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"Ouch - stop that. Let go of me, will you?"

I thrashed and wriggled in Malfoy's and Lestrange's grip while Bellatrix cackled madly from behind. I stomped on both boy's shoes but it was like they couldn't feel a thing. I gave up fighting and watched as Tom stood by the opened door, gesturing for his followers to enter. One by one, a follower would obey his motions and enter the mysterious room, Lestrange and Malfoy holding me to the side so we'd enter last. Tom stared at me the entire time with a small smirk on his face.

He eventually looked at my two captors and nodded his head, and I felt myself being forced to move. I glared at Tom as we passed him. The room was gigantic. It had pale arches in the roof with several different designs - but what bothered me the most was that the enormous room was empty, the floor only being covered with green carpet. I had believed it'd be interesting.

I tripped over my own two feet with a groan and was forced back up by Malfoy and Lestrange, only to trip over again.

"Easy, Lestrange," Tom's voice snarled from behind.

Tom's followers remained standing off to the side of the room, proud and smug looks plastered on their faces. Lestrange and Malfoy guided me over there and made sure to shove me to the floor and steal away my wand from my pocket.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound strong but it came out weak.

"Shut it," Bellatrix hissed, but I ignored her.

Tom stood in the center of the room and smirked, his diary in his left hand.

"What is this place?"

"This," Tom stretched out his right arm and looked around, "is the Room of Requirement."

"Room of Requirement," I repeated quietly, sitting straight.

"My lord?" one of Tom's followers whispered in confusion.

Tom looked over at her and tutted, shaking a long finger at her. "No need to fret, Eileen."

"You trust her, my lord?"

Tom's eyes flickered to mine and remained there as his lips pursed, his expression so blank I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling. I couldn't sense a thing.

"For the moment," he said, lips still pursed.

"You would like for the girl to join us?"

Tom's face transitioned to rage and he quickly pointed his wand at his group of followers. My heartbeat quickened.


I pushed myself back in fear as Lestrange dropped the ground with a sickening thud and began to writhe on the floor. I stared, wide-eyed, not having a clue what to do. Tom's followers parted and moved away. All I could do was wait for it all to stop.

Lestrange started to breath loudly and pant on the floor once he had stopped writhing and gritting his teeth. Tom had lowered his wand and paced around, allowing his followers to group together again. I, however, remained on the floor.

When no one made to move and help Lestrange, I crawled over to him and allowed him to grip my hand. He gritted his teeth.

"Are you all right?" I whispered stupidly, pulling Lestrange up so that he was in a seating position.

Lestrange nodded in thanks and stood on his own. Next thing I knew, the back of my jumper was gripped tightly and I was pulled back harshly. Great, I thought sarcastically.

A hand spun me around and I came closely face to face with Tom, his arm snaked around my back so I couldn't move. I pushed against his chest in hopes I could back away but the hand on my back held me there and I glared up at him.

"What do you think you are doing," I gritted, "using an unforgivable curse - you know you could go to azkaban for that?"

Tom smirked, his minty breath touching me square in the face. "Worried about me, Benjamin?" he said softly in a mocking tone.

"You're mad," I whispered so his followers couldn't hear. "You're mad."

Tom only chuckled and pushed me away before finally returning to his pacing, his fingers drumming along the binder.

"Now," Tom said, loud and clear, "you all know why we're here - with the exception of Abigail of course."

And then I figured it out. I knew what he was going to do. I cursed under my breath and did something I didn't think I'd actually do. I broke into a run and Tom jumped when I snatched the diary out of his hands.

"Don't," I glared, earning a sneer from Tom. His eyes scanned my face.

"You think you're so brave, don't you?" he said quietly, but his voice was harsh and full of disgust as his eyes bore into mine. "Do you really believe that I will not hurt you? Is that what you think?"

I didn't say anything - only stared up at him in sadness. He stared back down and mocked the sadness, before tilting his head back and letting out a humorless laugh.

"I remember your words, Tom," I said lowly so his followers, once again, would not hear. "And I also remember -"

Tom quickly covered my mouth with the palm of his hand as if his followers could hear. Tom and I were far too quiet for them to hear a thing. He kept his palm covering my mouth and leaned closely into my face.

"You believe that kiss actually meant something to me?" Tom smiled - but it wasn't a nice one. "You believe I have feelings for you? Why, you're more pathetic than I thought you were, Abigail."

I ignored him and leaned further into the gap that held Tom and I apart. "I know there was something," I gritted my teeth, shoving the diary out of his reach. "Don't do this. Please. You already know how it ends."

Next thing I knew the diary was ripped out of my hand and a pair of arms were pulling me back.

"Hold her back and block her view," Tom said, his eyes glued to me. "Only part away on my command."

His eyes disappeared the moment two bodies stepped in front of me, and no matter how hard I tried to see what Tom was doing, no difference was made and all I could do was stare at five backs. I eventually gave up and melted into the persons arms, which I soon noticed was Avery - neither of us said a thing.

I could hear Tom speaking and it sounded a bit like an incantation - a chant, of some sort.

"All right," he finally said after some time. "Let her see."

The five backs disappeared, and I came face to face with Tom, and the diary down by his feet. He stared down at it, as if he were waiting for something.

I opened my mouth to ask something, but I never got the chance to.

Bright white light burst out of Tom, so bright I had to look away, but I forced myself to look. I wasn't the only one. Tom's followers were forcing themselves to look as they stared in utter amazement. He looked like he was in so much pain - like holes were bursting out of him. His arms were spread right out and his head was back and he stared up at the ceiling, his eyes wide opened. And then he screamed. And he screamed bloody murder. I watched, terrified, at it all happening.

It wasn't stopping and I had a feeling it wouldn't be stopping any time soon. The light got brighter. Tom screamed louder. It just didn't feel right - all of us standing here, watching him in clear pain.

I slipped out of Avery's hands and ran back over to Tom and embraced him, hoping the light would disappear quickly. And, soon enough, it did.

Motivation ⌁ Tom Riddle ✔Where stories live. Discover now