Epilogue: Part 1

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Epilogue: Part 1

Rose P.O.V.

I love helping my dad in the bakery. I can't bake but I can do other things. I can decorate pretty good, I mean not as good as dad and Tyler obviously but I'm decent. I'm usually behind the counter though.

Right now it's closed. Dad had to rush home to mom. She's trying to take care of two children at home and that's not very easy. When mom went to one of her ultrasounds they said that she was pregnant with twins. One boy and one girl.

Max and Maxine are so cute. They're four months old and they both have so much hair on their heads, it's incredible. Tyler is amazing with both of them, and he really adores them. Everyone adores them though, it's hard not to adore them when they're so cute.

I'm a copy of mom and Tyler is a copy of dad but the twins are a mix of both of them. They have dads blond hair and blue eyes but they have moms facial features although Max has dads shaped jaw. They have dimples when they smile and the happiest sounding laughs and the most delicate smiles.

I'm longing to go home and see them, I really do, but I have to stay here at the bakery and clean up after a day of customers running in and out. This bakery is doing really great. Our grandfather Fredrick started it when our uncle Philip was little and then our dad took it over and Tyler wants to take it over after our dad. He's going to take it over and I'm going to work here and help him with the counter like mom is helping dad.

Right now I'm mopping the floors after sweeping it. It has do be cleaned up after all the feet that has been walking in and out with dirt and all of that. And today is extra important since it's been raining pretty much the whole day so it's extra dirty.

As I'm mopping I'm singing with my headphones in my ears listening to Little Mix, the only girl group I actually like. Usually I don't like girl bands or girl groups but Little Mix is actually really good.

"It's in his DNA
It's in his DNA
And he just takes my breath
B-b-b breath away
I feel it everyday,
And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D DNA", I sing as I dance around in the room mopping the floor.

Crispin. My best friend. The boy I love. I still haven't told him. My mom always tells me to tell him, but I just chicken out every time I try. I just can't understand why he would even consider liking me back. We're best friends yes, but why would he choose me? Every girl on the planet likes him, I mean who wouldn't? He's golden bronze hair, his clear intense green eyes. Slightly tanned skin, a perfect body with a perfect muscle structure. Dimples, a delicate smile and a gorgeous laugh. He's the hottest boy I've ever seen. No offense to Logan or anything, he's a good looking boy as well as my best friend, but no one is as hot as Crispin, not according to me. I know that Gwen thinks Logan is the hottest boy on the planet and that she's in love with him. Louisa doesn't agree with any of us. She has a boyfriend who's called Travis, and she thinks he's the hottest boy on the planet. All three of these boys are very good looking boys but every girl prefers different boys.

I really need to be braver. I can't go on like this. And I don't want to be unhappily in love. I just want to be happy and in love. I want to... Ugh I want a lot of things. And mostly I do not want to destroy my friendship with Crispin, and I guess that's what I'm afraid I will do if I tell him my feelings for him.

Aahhh love is hard. Especially if you haven't told the person you love them.

I sigh deeply as I continue to mop the floor. Mop, mop, mop.

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