Chapter 8: Same day...

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Chapter 8

Katniss P.O.V.

As I get closer and closer to the birh of my son, I get harder to do stuff with Rose. She's patient though. She understands that I can't do a lot of stuff anymore, and she respects that. She plays a lot with her friends. I'm not the only one who can't do so much. Annie can't either, she's seven months pregnant, and I'm nine.

I can give birth any day now. Peeta makes me sit down day in and day out. He don't want me to strain myself, so he does pretty much everything in the house.

Right now I clean the house, Peeta is down at the bakery. He told me to sit down and don't do anything, but come on, since when do I listen?

I want to clean, becasue I haven't done anything for months now.

"Mommy we want to paint", Rose shouts and runs up to me with Crispin, Logan, Gwen and Louisa.

"Okay, just sit down at the table", I say and put down the cloth.

I walk up the stairs and into Peeta's painting studio. I take paper you dress a table with, and then some finger paint. Peeta has a layer of finger paint to Rose. Then I take the five small aprons Peeta bought not long ago.

I walk down and dress the table with the paper, and then I put the aprons on the kids, before I give them the finger paint.

They start to paint and laugh and I start to paint with them.

It knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I shout and the door opens.

The door opens and Annie, Clove, Glimmer and Johanna comes in.

"Mommaaaa look we're painting!" Louisa yells when she sees Johanna.

"I can see that baby", Johanna laughs and walks up to Louisa.

"Look mommty I painted you!" Gwen says proudly and points at a figur with bright yellow color.

"Oh I'm so beautiful honey", Glimmer laughs.

"Crispin what's that?" Annie asks.

"It's my baby sister in your belly mommy", Crispin says proudly.

I feel how it starts to hurt in my stomach. Oh god, it hurts so much.

"Katniss are you okay?" Clove asks.

"I don't know, I ..." Just as I say that, I feel water pour out of me. "I think my water just broke".

"What?" The girls shouts, making the kids all look at me.

They can see I'm in pain.

"Mommy what's wrong? Are you in pain?" Rose asks.

"Rose go call daddy and say that mommy is having the baby now", I say.

"Are you having my baby brother?" She shouts. "I'm gonna go call daddy".

She walks up to a little table we ave in the hall and with a phone. I have taught Rose the number to the bakery incase of an emergency, so she knows it.

"DADDY MOMMY IS HAVING HER BABY! COME HOME NOW!" And then she hangs up, not letting Peeta say anything.

Annie and Clove helps me stand up. I scream out in pain, even though I try not to, because the kids are here. I don't want to scar them for life. But I can't help screaming, it hurts too damn much.

"Ow ow ow", I mumble as I cry on Annie's shoulder.

"Just take deep breath Katniss, it's okay, I know it hurts and so do you, remember you've done this once before", Annie says.

And that's true. I've only given birth this way once before and I know it hurts, even though I have two children, and this being my third one. Aimée would've been nine years old if she was alive. I was pregnant with her, and she was almost full-term but then he died, the doctors didn't know when or why, but they had to take her out of me. They saw her when they took tests on me after Gale raped me. She grew towards my back and not my stomach, that's why I didn't know I was pregnant. Oh god, she would've been nine years old, today actually. She would've turned nine today. And this day nine years ago, Gale raped me. I got raped, my baby was dead-born, and now I'm having my baby boy on the exact same day. And it's also Cato and Cloves wedding day. Damn.

I don't know when I want to tell Rose about Aimée, she's not old enough to understand now when she's soon only five. She understands a lot, but not this.

The door flies open and Peeta rushes inside. He doesn't look at me, he only runs up the stairs and then comes back down with the hospital back we packed yesterday. Then he runs up to me.

"Baby I'm here", he says.

"Can you girls watch the kids?" I ask between my pain.

"Of course, now go!" Johanna says.

Peeta carries me up in his arms and almost runs out of the house. How he can do this is beyond me, because I'm a whale right now. My man is strong, no doubt of that.

He puts me down into the passanger seat of our car, and then he puts the bag in the back seat before he runs to the wheel and sits down.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yes! Just drive!" I yell.

I don't have any patiens left now. It hurts too badly.

Peeta drives to the hospital.

When we arrive he picks me up and takes the back and rush into the hospital. He rush up to the reception.

"My wife is having a baby, she's having a baby now!" Peeta shouts.

"Okay, just calm down sir", the lady says. Then she looks at a nurse. "We need wheelchair here!"

They wheel me into a room where they put me into a bed and connect me to machines.

"Okay Katniss, you're not fully dilate yet, although you're six centemeters so in about an hour or sooner, you'll be ready to push", the doctor says. "I'll be back to check on you".

I nod.

Peeta calms down a bit and sits down on the chair beside my bed and takes my hand.

"Peeta, you know what day it is right?" I ask.

He nods.

"Of course I do, Aimée's birthday, I would never forget, and now our son will share the same birthday as his sister", Peeta says, stroking my hair. "We usually go to the grave after I come back from work this day, but we can't today".

"Yeah, but he won't know that until he's old enough, and we'll go when I'm out of the hospital", I say.

We always let Annie and Finnick babysit Rose when we're going to the grave, that's not a place for a child. But sometime we'll take her and her brother there.

"Yeah, but don't think about that now baby, just try to get some rest while you can", Peeta says.

I try to take his advice, but it's hard when I'm in this much pain.

I just want this to be overwith now.



Hey guys, I know that it has been a while since I updated, but now I did :)

I hope you liked the chapter :)

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-Josephine xx

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