Chapter 12: Rose?

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Chapter 12

Katniss P.O.V.

As soon as Rose step through the door, my mother sensor kicks in and I know that something is wrong.

I've had this feeling for a while, but every time I've asked her about it she just shuts me down.

I don't know what's happening to my daughter. She just locks herself into her room and we barely ever see her. We see her at dinner, but that's about it.

Peeta and I are starting to worry very much. We've tried talking to Crispin but he says that he doesn't know anything. And if he had known anything, he says that he don't know if he would tell us, because no matter how much he respects us, he respects Rose as well and it's her decision to tell us if she wants to, and not his.

So when he said that I knew right away that he does know something. Annie understood that too and she is trying her hardest to get Crispin to tell her something.

Peeta and I are not the only once who worry, everyone are because they know their children are keeping something from them.

Johanna says that Louisa is being too quiet, and that's not like her at all. Glimmer says that Gwen is trying her hardens to avoid Rose coming up as a subject and they're best friends so that's unusual. And Logan... Clove says that he fiddles with Crispin.

Something is wrong. If all our children are being weird, that something is definitely wrong.

We have to figure out what.

I leave a note at the dinner table and then hurry out of the house. I run down to the bakery the fastest I possibly can.

When I reach the bakery, I burst in through the door.

"Peeta, we need to talk, now", I say.

Only when I look around I see that he's not even there.

I run through the bakery to the kitchen door and burst through it.

"Peeta, we need to talk, now", I say again.

I see that he's father is there as well. Both of them looks worried at me, because they see that something is wrong.

"What happened Katniss?" Peeta asks as he puts down the dough he was working on, and dries his hands.

"Rose", I sigh. "She... I don't know, I sense that something is terribly wrong, when she came home... I know that we've suspected something, but now I just know".

"Did she do something?" Fredrick asks.

"No but she... she didn't look at me, and without a single word she just went up to her room", I say sitting down on a chair looking down at a floor. "She always used to say at least hi before going up to her room".

I feel Peeta's strong arms wrap around me.

"Can't we just ask her?" Peeta asks.

"She won't tell us", I say. "Would you have? You remember how it was being a teenager, they don't tell their parents just becasue they ask if somethings is wrong".

"I know, I know", Peeta says. "But it's at least worth a try, don't you think?"

"Maybe..." I say unsure.

"What harm could it do?" Fredrick asks.

"None I guess", I admit.

"Than do that", Fredrick says.

"I can't!" I say and stomp frustrated with my foot in the floor.

"Okay baby, you know what? I will ask her", Peeta says.

I know I'm silly right now. I mean I shouldn't be like this. But I do remember how it is to be a teenager. If someone asked me when they knew I didn't want to talk about it, I would be angry with that person.

But Rose isn't like me in her personality. She's alike Peeta, and Tyler is alike me to their personalities. Tyler is more suspicious and defensive. And he has my temper and he's impatient just like me. He's mamas little boy. But Rose is my girl and I couldn't take it if she got upset with me when she's already upset.

I don't know what's the right think here is to do. But if Peeta wants to talk to her, maybe that's the best thing... Or is it?

Peeta is a grownup, he can make decisions of his own, I can't make them for him.

"Okay", I say looking up at him.

He gives me a gentle kiss. I want to deepen then kiss, but I know that Peeta's father is still here, so I don't.

I pull away and stand up.

"I think Tyler is home now so I better get back", I say.

"Try get something out of him..." Fredrick says.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah well, I just figured that Rose may tell him stuff she doesn't feel safe to tell the two of you", Fredrick says. "That's often how siblings are, but he's still a little boy so maybe he feels like he wants to tell you but can't because he don't want to betray his sister, so try to trick him to tell you something".

He's a genius. My father-in-law is a genius.

"Okay like trick him how?" I ask.

"Maybe pretend you know more then you actually do", Fredrick says.


"Yeah that's actually pretty smart dad", Peeta says.

"That's something parents learn themselves if they're taking care of their kids on their own", Fredrick shrugs.

"Yeah", Peeta says and then turn to me. "Yeah you should try that Kat".

"Yeah I should", I say.

I give Peeta a short sweet kiss and Fredrick a hug and then I walk out of the kitchen and the bakery and walk towards the house.

I'm nervous. Really nervous.

When I open the door I see Tyler sitting in the couch watching TV. He's watching Boomerang. Tom and Jerry. Oh I love them! I don't care if I am an adult. Cartoon never gets old.

But I have a mission now. I'm doing the easy part. Peeta is going to do the hard part. Talking to Rose.

"Tyler baby..." I say.

He turns around and gives me one of his sweet smiles.

"Oh hey momma", he says. "Did dad need help?"

"Yeah but that's taken care of", I smile and sits down in the couch beside him.

"What is it?" He asks as he senses that something is wrong.

That's something we all have in common in this family. When someone is keeping something from someone, we know it. Although it can be tricky when it comes to Peeta and Rose.

I know that Tyler is keeping something. I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't really want to look me in the eyes but he can't take them away, because then I would know for sure he's keeping something.

"Tyler, we need to talk..." I say looking into his big silvery eyes that he got from me.



Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter. I'm not feeling better, in fact, I'm worse I just feel like I don't want to try anymore. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter, I'm really trying.

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-Josephine xx

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