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"Good morning sunshine" Luke said with a deep and rough voice, while he leaned against the archway of his kitchen door.
"Good morning" I said while I was preparing some breakfast.

"Why are you up so early?" Luke asked slowly moving close to me. His arms wrapping around my upper body and leaning his head on my right shoulder to see what I am doing.

"We have school today, and you know you shouldn't go to school with an empty stomach" I answered trying to get rid of him, by taking the two plates I prepared and putting them on the table where Luke and I sat down and ate it.

We already nearly finished when he asked me "Are you fine? You seem a bit off the track today."

I became nervous and blushed. I am usually never nervous, but it was just weird and wrong what happened yesterday.

"I am fine, everything is okay"
I stood up from my chair taking Lukes and my plate leaving it in the sink.
He was about to say something when I started talking first "I am going to the bathroom now. Brushing my teeth and so, ya know."
He didn't answer anything I just went into his bathroom taking a deep breath before grabbing a fresh toothbrush out of his bath cabinet and putting toothpaste on it.

We didn't talk much because I wasn't really talkative it was still uncomfortable that I slept with my BEST FRIEND yesterday.
Anyway, he brought me to school, where we split. Everybody was watching. It felt like they all knew that we slept with each other last night.

I went to my locker to grab some books for third lesson.
"Hey Sydney how are you doing? Did you sleep over at Lukes last night?" Lacey said in a normal voice, because she knew that we are just friends.
"Uhm yeah I did. I mean I slept on his sofa and he slept in his bed as usual. You know." I said grinning at her.
"Why are you so nervous? Do we have a test today?" Lacey asked as she saw my hands shaking heavily. "Wait, what happened yesterday? That's your *Lacey I have to tell you something but I can't because it's shit* face. You can't hide from me. I wanna know the whole story. Tell me!" She said forcing me to tell her what happened.
"Uhm I slept with L-"
"What a surprise" Lacey said not being surprised at all.
"You are not surprised?" I asked confused
"Not at all. I mean I actually expected that to happen because you sleep with him always once a year, then you two don't talk to each other in a while and then you are best friends again. It's the same every year."
I looked shocked at her.
"Anyway, how was it?" Lacey asked as Michael and Luke went through the door.
"It was great and weird." I answered.
"What do you mean weird?"
I couldn't answer her question because both of them were standing next to me and Lacey wrapped her arms around Michaels neck and kissed him pationtly.
Luke looked at me, me hoping he doesn't want to talk about yesterday. I faced the floor as my best friend wasn't really helpful still kissing her new boyfriend. I totally understand that but please not now.
"Uhm Sydney can we talk, it just takes a minute."
I looked up from the floor facing Luke now smiling. "Sure."
He grabbed my upper arm and moved me a bit away from Michael and Lacey.
"I wanted to talk with you about last night."
And as it couldn't get worse appeared Jack in the entrance hall.
"I mean we had sex yesterday and I don't know how you are feeling about it but it wasn't just sex to me. I like you, no I love you and it was serious to me when I said *I love you* yesterday."
I looked at him shocked. I mean I like him but I am not sure if I love him. And Jack standing there back in the corner watching me made curious. What should I do.
I still had my eyes on Luke, him waiting for an answer. Did he even ask something or is it me who takes this too serious? I dunno.
Jack was still watching me. Luke still waiting for an answer. I got extremely nervous and couldn't think straight anymore. I wanted to stop both of them looking at me so I did something I wasn't sure if I would regret it afterwards.
I grabbed Lukes shirt pulling him closer to me. Then I wrapped my arms around Luke and kissed him. Just a short kiss, but including both our tongues. He smiled at me before he pushed me back against the locker to kiss me again.
Luke disconnected our kiss after a while.
"I guess that means that I can call you my girlfriend now?" Luke asked smiling at me, the brightest smile I ever saw.
"I guess so too honey." I answered him placing his lips onto mine his hands moving down on my hips.

It was midday break time for lunch or time to go home for the lucky ones of us like me as Calum grabbed my arm to stop me from walking out the door.
"Wait Sydney I think we have to talk. Remember our deal? I can't do that when you have a boyfriend." Calum said nervously.
"Calm down I will explain you everything in the afternoon during the tutoring lessons." I said as he pushed me away from the door where nobody else was as close to hear us.
"I can't wait until the evening. I want to know it now. I can't handle that. It's too much."
"Okay okay but please calm down. Uhm we are going to stay like it is. We just have to minimize how often we ... Uhm ... You know ... Sleep wi-"
"Stop I know what you mean" Calum said before I finished what I really don't want to speak out load.
He looked sad, although there was no reason for because its going to stay the same way we will just minimize how often we are meeting.
"We will also minimize the tutoring lessons of course."
"No why should you do that?" Calum asked getting more and more confused.
"Because it's not fair if you have to *work* more than I do." I answered. It was serious to me because otherwise it would have been unfair and I couldn't live with that either.
"No it's okay if you want me to. I mean I don't want you to repeat class. Would be boring without you dissing all our teachers."
"Please Cal don't try to change my decision. I will win anyway." I said rubbing his shoulder. "I have to go now. I'll so you later on at 6? Great. See you then"
Cal just nodded and I went outside where Luke was already waiting for me. I was surprised I didn't expect that.
"Hey sweety" Luke said smiling. "Should I give you a ride home or do you want to come over?"
"Hm good question. Do you want me to come over or are you busy, Sir?" I asked hugging him.
"It would be an honor to me if you would come over. Even just for an hour honey."
"Okay then I guess I am coming over." I said standing on my tip toes to kiss him.
"Let's go!" Luke said as he disconnected our kiss.
I stared at Luke while he drove us home. His lip ring really turned me on. I can't tell why but it has something really sexy on it.
"Like what you see honey?" Luke asked me still keeping staring at his lips without disconnecting for a second.
"Of course I do." I answered calm.
"You know I am all yours." Luke said biting his bottom lip.
"I know." I asnwered smirking at him.
"Ah you know? I can't remember that I told you."
"Well you are my boyfriend. You don't have to tell me. I should know what I can do and what you want or don't want. For example you like..." I stood up a bit out of the seat and got closer to Luke "You like it when I leave kisses on your neck and sometimes some hikeys." I said doing what I just said.
Luke still focused on the street letting out a moan. So I placed my hand between his legs, feeling that he got a boner.
"You better stop now before we make an accident. I don't want to explain the police officer why I crashed into another car or something else."
I sat down back in my seat as my boyfriend told me.
"You can go on like that when we are home."
"What if I don't want to anymore?"
"Well thats bad for me, because I already have a boner." Luke said laughing. "We are nearly home don't worry."
I love to be in control of people. It makes me feel stronge although I know that it's not nice to control people, but I can't stop. It's funny because some people really act like a puppet on a string.
The weird thing about it is that I get really turned on when a guy tries to take over control during sex. That's the only time when I am not a control freak.
Luke and I sat at his table in the dinning room doing our homework, what really sucked.
I let out a loud breath when I finished the last exercise of my biology homework.
"You okay?" Luke asked still looking in his spanish book repeating the vocabulary.
"Yeah I just finished my homework. Gosh biology is so unnecessary. Why do I have to know this shit. I don't even want to become a doctor. Seriously!" I answered annoyed.
"I dunno." Luke said without even looling at me.
"Uhm do you mind if I take a shower? I don't want to go to the tutoring lessons sweaty."
"Sure but only if I am allowed to join." Luke said raising his head from the book looking at me cheeky.
"Uhm I dunno I am really busy. I think it's better if we take a shower together another time. Or we can take a bath together next time. You know it's more fun in the bathtub." I said smiling at him, his cheeky look disappeared and a frown was there instead. "I promise you next time you can join." I rubbed his hand which he took to pull me over to him and sit down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my hip leaving one hand on thigh.
"Okay if you really promise it."
"I swear I'll have shower fun with you next time." I said smiling at him.
Luke said and I kissed him to thank him. He kissed back, his hand which was originally on my thigh went between my legs and rested on my intimate zone, starting to rub there. I let out a quiet moan before I took Lukes hand to stop him from doing what he wanted to do.
"I better go and take a shower before I am late for my lessons." I gave him a quick kiss before I stood up and went to the bathroom.

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