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The next day started pretty good. I woke up feeling really rested or just because it was friday.
My mum was home in the morning, what she usually never is, and made me breakfast.
I didn't question it though.
"Good morning darling" mum said when I freshly entered the kitchen, while she was cooking some pancakes.
"Good morning mum, smells really good. Can I have one? Please?" I asked hoping she left some pancakes for me.
"Of course darling, just grab one and put on what you want." Mum said smiling.
I grabbed one like she said and ate it before leaving because I was late for school what was actually usual for me, but mum didn't know so I tried to leave always at the same time.
"Bye mum, thanks for the pancakes!"
"You are welcome darling"
I grabbed my bag and left the house.
At the garden fence was Jack, his face down to the ground. His head went up when he heart me slamming close the door.
"What do you want?" I asked wondering why he visited me at home.
"I heard you are dating that guitarist, Luke." I didn't answer, was it even a proper question, because this was defenitely too stupid for me to talk about Luke with Jack in the morning, I mean I just woke up. I remember from when we were dating, that Jack acts stupid to get the information he wants.
"Is he good? Is he better in ya know?" I roled my eyes.
"Jack I am defenitely not talking about that with you." I answered otherwise his questions would have become even weirder.
You could hear in his voice that he was kinda scared that somebody could be better than him. Him, *Mister Perfect*, nobody can be better in anything especially not in sex than him. 
"Why not? I wouldn't mind if you told the other girls about my big cock." Jack said smirking bridley and proud, me feeling really disgusted by his thoughts.
"Jack I am really not in the mood to talk about that with you, ask somebody else how big your cock is or do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better, but please, don't bother me!" I said really angry stomping away from him because I don't give a fuck what he needs or wants. He should have acted differently then he wouldn't be alone now.
"But the problem is I can't let you go." I couldn't trust my ears, did he really say that? Does he really have feelings? Maybe somewhere deep down in his heart? As if that wasn't impressing enough, did Jack start to burst out in tears. "I love you Sydney and I regret everything I did and said to you."
Maybe I am mean to show him the cold shoulder, but otherwise he won't realise that I don't love him anymore.
"Jack, I don't love you anymore, when do you get that? You screwed it up. Please get that in your brain." You are no longer the one who my heart belongs to." Was that too harsh or was it harsh enough to make him clear that this is never gonna work out again?
"You do love me I know that!" He shouted at me.
"No I don't" I countered back once more.
"You do!" Jack shouted even louder grabbing my arm pushing me closer to him, him pressing his lips onto mine.
I tried to push him away from me but I couldn't he was too strong.
"Stop Jack you are hurting me!" I said as I could disconnect my lips from his for a second.
"Oh yes I do!" He let go of me but hit me one time really hard in my face, that I fell to the ground.
I looked up in his face seeing that his face and body was full of rage. I couldn't blame him for hurting me, I mean wasn't it my fault too that he became so agressive, should I have said it nicer?
I could feel the skin around my left eye getting warm and swollen as I let my fingers run over my eyelid.
I stood up on my own because Jack was the last one I wanted help from. I wished off some dirt from my trousers, turned around and headed to school as fast as possible. Jack didn't chase after me. He still stood on the same spot like before, still frozen.
On my way I decided to put on sunglasses to hide the red spot around my left eye.

I achieved that nobody realised my swolen eye until midday, when I met Luke.
I was about to put my books into my locker, as Luke hugged me from behind.
"Hey beautiful, are you hungry? Wanna go for lunch?" He said kissing and gently biting my neck.
"Sure, let's go!" I said, closing my locker, tunring around to kiss him.
As we disconnected our kiss, Luke saw my swolen eye and looked really shocked moving his thumb softly over the swolen part in my face. "Sydney, what happened?"
"Uhm nothing, I ran against a pillar, nothing special."
He looked at it, not believing what I just said. "That doesn't look like you ran against a pillar, it looks more like somebody hit you really bad. And you didn't have that when you yesterday left to go to your tutoring lesson at Cal-" you could see he was thinking "Did he hit you?"
"No!" I countered. "Why would he hit me? He would be to weak by the way."
"Who was it Sydney? Tell me! And don't lie to me! I know you good enough to can tell when you lie." Luke nearly shouted at me.
"Nobody hit me! I ran against a pillar! You can believe me or not, but it's the truth." I said looking really mean at him.
"Oh Sydney in what trouble did you get now?" He said pushing me into a hug. My head rested on his strong chest.
"Okay let's go for lunch. I am hungry Lukas. But first let me put some make up on my eye. I don't want everybody know that it's swolen."
Luke took my hand, our hands intertwining. And walked first to the toilet, him waiting outside and then going to the cafeteria.
"Did you ask Calum to join us today?" Luke asked smiling at me.
"I did. We said we will meet in the cafeteria and if he can't find us he can call me."

I saw Calum on the other side of the room, so I stood up and waved at him to show him where we sat.
As he saw me, he headed over to us, sitting down next to Lacey. Luke sat opposite of him.
"So you are Calum?" Luke asked.
Calum just nodded, I guess he was nervous but I don't blame him I would be nervous too if I would be in his situation. I mean we made out and pleasured each other and now he is talking to my boyfriend! My boyfriend... My boyfriend Luke... Sounds weird. Luke is my boyfriend. Lucas Robert Hemmings. Sydney Hemmings...weird!
"Nice to meet you man!" Luke said smiling at him.

As the conversation between them two went on, arrived Michael with lacey holding hands and Ashton who seemed to be annoyed by them two always doing couple things.
"Hey guys!" Michael said sitting down next to us.
Ashton looked confused at Calum. "Who are you?" He said to Calum who got really disappointed that he didn't even know his name.
"I am Calum."
"Aha nice." Ashton said chuckling in a mean way.
"Don't take him serious, he is just annoyed that he is the only one in the band without a gf." Mikey explained to Calum.
"Oh okay. I've heared of your band. 5 seconds of summer, right?" Calum asked.
"Haha yeah have you listend to some songs yet?" Luke asked.
"Yes but only to a few. Isn't it that Ashton plays the drumms and you both play guitar?"
I looked at Calum surprised, not knowing he was such a big fan of 5sos.
"Yeah, wow you actually know a lot about us. Do you play any instruments?" Ashton wanted to know.
"Uhm I can play the bass."
Ashton just nodded, seeming a bit impressed.
The conversation went on pretty well and it wasn't as embarrissing as I expected, because in the end Luke invited him to a band rehearsal and Calum was really happy that somebody actually wanted to do something with him.
"See you Calum!" I shouted through the coridor as we all were about to go home.
Calum just waved back at me smiling brightly.
Luke grabbed my hand from behind to pull me closer to him and gave me a long and passionate kiss, while all the other students passed by.
"Do you maybe wanna come over tonight? And maybe stay the night?"
"Hm...maybe I want." I said smiling at him putting my lips on his.

I went straight home with Luke and left my mum a message, that I won't be home tonight. She won't be surprised. She is used to that scenario.
Luke opened the door to his apartment taking my hand in his walking inside letting all his bags fall on the ground slamming the door shut pushing me agains the door to kiss me rough. I let my bags drop like he did just a moment ago and put my hands on his hips, while his cupped my face meanwhile. My hands ran under his shirt, rubbing his back. One of my legs moved up around his body. I could slowely feel something growing hard between my legs when I disconnected our kiss for a moment to take a breath. I smiled, he looked confused down at the buldge in his trousers. He looked up kissing me again pressing his boner between my thighs. I could feel how wet I became, not knowing what to do. I decided to make it an end and stop. I took Lukes hand in mine and stopped the kiss while I tried to escape his grib.
"I am going to take a shower first. We can go on later on." I said smirking at him, he let got of my hand and I made my way to his bathroom.

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