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"Hey Sydney." I heard behind my back, while I was sorting my books into my locker. It was a deep voice that belonged to a man.
"Hey Jack." I said while I turned  around.
Jack closed my locker and pushed me against it, placing his lips onto mine. Our lips were moving in sync, our tongues roughly slide over each others. I felt the cold material of the lockers on my back, but my body warmed up when I felt his strong chest pressing against my upper body. He disconnected our kiss and I bit my bottom lip.
"You know we are not dating anymore and you just can't kiss me whenever you want to." I like Jack but I don't love him anymore, the thing is that he can kiss really good.
"Don't act as if you didn't like it. I could feel you wanted more." Jack said to make him feel better and impress those people who he calls his friends.
You have to know Jack is super superficial and the "bad boy" of my school. He has to sound cool, otherwise he would feel bad and make somebody else feel down for that.
Nearly every girl wants to date him because he is popular and his parents have loads of money, but I guess that's all that he can use to show off. Oh yeah and his six pack, which looks really good.

We dated for like half a year, then a month ago he said that I got too boring for him and he wants to go on the hunt again. But by the time he came back to me, he started to kiss me more and more often, but he never said he wanted me back. I guess that's just because he has to protect his ego and can't say things like he needs me or so. A typical boy problem if you ask me, but nobody asks me if I give a fuck.

What I never understood was why he chose me out of the 100 other girls from school. I guess thats another boy thing that I as a girl can't and will never understand.

I am not popular or anything, it's just that everybody knows me and I know them. I give a fuck about what others think. I easily accept others opinion and their decisions.
"I didn't say that I didn't like it. I just wanted to make clear that we are not dating anymore, because you wanted to go on a hunt again." I countered.

You could see that he was a bit angry now. He didn't answer anything, he just walked away.

"Heyo! What was that with Jack right now? I thought you two are not dating anymore?" Lacey appeared next to me.

"I dunno. He just came along my way and kissed me again. It slowly begins to annoy me. He is such a bitch."
Lacey didn't say much she just shook her head.
"Hey Lacey do you have first lesson with me? Maths?"
"Uhm yeah looks like we can hook up together if you want"
She said with a big sassy smile in her face.
We were about to sneak out of school when we heard loud screams from around the school corner.
"Lacey can you hear that?"
"Yeah sounds like Jack is beating his favourite nerd again."
Lacey was just about to go to the bus stop when I ran around the corner to where the screams came from.
I saw Jack beating Calum to the floor.
"Jack stop that" I screamed, his friends looking at me laughing.
I ran inbetween Calum and Jack, so Jack had to hurt me first before he could hit Calum again. He calmed down and let his fists down.
I turned around to Calum and looked at him. His nose was bleeding and extremely red.
"Go inside, wash away the blood and put something cold on it." I wispered to him and gave him my hand to pull him up.
He grabbed his bag and went back in.
"And now to you. You can't just beat him up. You should learn how to control your emotions"
I said in a really mean voice.
Lacey was waiting at the corner for me.
We went for a coffe in the city at our favourite coffeshop.

It wasn't really a surprise that Michael was there too. Michael is one of our classmates, he is really nice and Lacey has a huge crush on him.

I watched her staring at him while she sipped her coffe.

"Why don't you just ask him for his number or if he wants to go out?" I asked.

"Are you crazy? He would never say yes. I have nothing that I can offer him." Lacey answered shocked.

"You have yourself. Shouldn't that be enough?" I countered.

"I know but it's not that easy." She couldn't take her eyes off of him. I decided I had to take this in my own hands.

"Hey Michael, do you wanna sit with us?" He smiled and came over.

"Hey girls." he said. Lacey blushed.

"Nice new hair color that you got there." I said to warm up the conversation.

"Thank you Sydney, I thought I should dye it black again. Blue looked so boring so I decided to give it my personal touch and dye some of it in red and green."

"Yeah looks great. I like it." I said.

"Michael do you want to go to the cinema with us on friday? Or are you busy?" I asked. He smiled and looked at Lacey. I guess he knows that Lacey likes him a little bit more than just friends.

"Sure, why not. Well girls I have to go now. You know band meeting and stuff." He said before walking away.
"I can't believe you made up a meeting with him, this is amazing. Wait will you go with us to the cinema? Or do I get the chance to be alone with him?" Lacey asked excited.

"You will be alone with him, because I am busy. I have to meet up with somebody else honey. I'll text him that I have no time but you will be free though."

"Aw thank you so much Sydney. Wait who are you meeting?"

"I am going to meet Calum because he gives me tutoring lessons for maths and spanish and probably a bit of history too."

"Ah thats why you stopped Jack from beating him up?"

"Yeah probably. You know what? We should go back to school. See how physics is today."
Lacey agreed and left some money for the waiter.


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Next update in 2 weeks

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