Arceus x Reader

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  -------------------- Arceus's P.O.V.--------------------------

I was siting in the realm between the worlds (What do you even call that?) Making sure the human world was in check when I spotted the human that's had my interest for a months now. She had (h/c) and (e/c), she was beautiful. 'I will meet this human girl and make her my queen, but I don't wish to scare her, maybe I should appear to her as a human.'

----------------------Your P.O.V--------------------------------

I was making my way home and when I got to the door it was unlocked. 'Strange, I know I locked it before I left.' Then your heart starts hammering 'Did someone break in, what if there still here?' You walk to the side of your house a grab a baseball bat. You walk into the house quietly until you here noise form the living room. You look around the corner to see a male with his back towards you.

You take the chance to hit him over the head. You relax and drop the bat when he falls over. But the male then gets up and looks at you and you bend down and the bat and back right into a corner. 'Just grate he's gonna kill me ' But instead of him approching you he looks at you quizzically. "What do you want ?!" he scream but he just stares at you. 'How hard did I hit him ?' But he finally speaks "I came to see you" "M-Me ? Why?'' " I find you interesting, my name is Arceus by the way, yours ?" He seemed kind enough, although he broke into your house. "My names ___, your name, you don't happen to be the pokemon Arceus?''

-----------------One Long Conversation Later---------------------

After Arceus had explained everything, if felt like your brain was about to explode. First  a  LEGENDARY pokemon was at your house, second he was a human ! "Hey, are you OK?'' Arceus asked as he pokes your head "Ya, just fine " you sigh "Good, since you understand I'll be staying at your residence." "WHAT! You can't just say that after you broke into my-" He cuts you off and KISS'S you !

After you pull away, you scream, while blushing bright red "What the hell is wrong with you !!" "Nothing, my prime reason for coming her is to make you fall in love with me" "What!?" "I've watched you for awhile now, and I've decided I will make you my queen.''

This is for Chimewlan on wattpad.
His characters hard to write for, sorry if its bad.

Human Pokemon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now