Gyarados x Reader(Request)

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  You've had Gyarados since he was a small Magikarp. People would always tease you for owning a Magikarp. But they sure did regret it when he evolved into a Gyarados.
        Then he turned into a human a few months ago. And you swear he's talked like a total of 3 times. No matter what you did you asked he never said ANYTHING! It was almost Christmas and since he didn't talk you didn't know what to get him. "Gyarados please tell me what to get you for Christmas !" no response "Fine, whatever I get you, you will be happy with it." All he does is grunt.
        You give up and go to your room with a sigh.
--------Gyarados's P.O.V--------------------------
        'Maybe she's right, I could speak a little more but.... If I do I might ruin our friendship. Keeping my mouth shut is the only way for me not to blurt out my feelings for___ and making  an idiot out of myself.
----No one's P.O.V-------------------------------
        Gyarados gets up and walks to your room, he was gonna risk his friendship with you. He knocks on your door and he's met with your beautiful (e/c) orbs. "Hi Gyarados whats up?" He takes in a long breath "____- " your eyes get as large as saucers.
        "You talked, you finally talked !" "Shut up and let me speak" you instantly fell silent, listening intently as you'd never get this chance again. "Listen ___ you don't need to get me anything" "But I want to Gyarados" "You didn't let me finish, you don't need to get me anything because your company is enough." He looks to the ground hiding his intense blush.
        At his words your heart flutters and your face turns a little pink. "I'm sorry ___ I know you don't feel the-" You instantly hug him and he stiffens at the contact. " No your wrong Gyarados I feel the same" He smiles and hugs you back feeling relaxed. "___ I ... I uh " He stutters a lot with a blush on his face.
        You put your finger to his lips "I know what your trying to say, I love you too Gyarados." 
        For that Christmas you didn't buy presents, you spent your company with one another.

        This is a request for: MeltedMarshmallowz_ on Wattpad.
 Sorry for not updating sooner, I will update as much as possible today.     

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