Female Reader x Lucario

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 Hello, sorry for being late with updating. It turns out after my birthday my dad decides to throw me another party at a water park the next day, for the whole day. So when I post this I will be working on two more. So check back tomorrow for a new chapter :)
       It was nice summer afternoon in the forest for most, that is.
        "Stop, please leave me alone!" screams  a  fleeing and panicked (h/c) girl."No way girly" you keep running, but you trip over your own feet. "Ow, my ankle" "Hey look who hurt herself" the bully says while pulling you up by hair"Please, stop" you say barley above a whisper"Just do what we say and we won't have to hurt you" "Stop right there you scum" interrupts a well built blue haired male. "Who do you think you are!?" " Put the girl down before things get ugly" "Answer me damn it!" In that split second, all you manage to see is a blue blur and all the other guys drop unconscious "Thank you"is all you manage to say until you pass out.

----------------------------------------------------------------Lucario's P.O.V------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        He see's you fall over, he walks over to you and shakes you "Hey are you alright?'' after a few minutes you don't wake up so he takes you to his cave.

---------------------------------------------------------A few hours later -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        You start stir awake, you open your eyes to a grey, dimly place "Where am I?" "So your finally awake" you jump at the sound of the voice "Did I scare you ?" "No, I just didn't know you were here, thanks for earlier by the way " "No problem, so whats your name ?" My name's ____ nice to meet you....." "Lucario" "Lucario, are you one of those Pokemon that turned human? Oh, you should get back to your trainer they must be worried about you." He cringes at your words "Is there something wrong?"   
        "I don't have a trainer anymore" "Oh, I didn't know..." "No,its fine" "So what happened ?"
"When I turned into a human she was disgusted with me and said I was worthless because to her 'cause I couldn't fight for her as a Pokemon" Lucario looks at the ground while he's speaking. 
        "That's awful, that just means that your old trainer wasn't right for you" you hug Lucario, which surprises him"You can be my friend Lucario" "____ are you sure ?" "100% sure" you look up at him and smile "Thank you ____" he takes your cheek in his hand and brings his lips onto yours. You were shocked at first, but started to kiss back.
        His kiss was soft and full of passion, then you part to breathe while resting your foreheads on each other.
"I love you ____."
"I love you too Lucario" you then hug him and he hugs you back. He then slides you both down the cave wall into a siting position (while still hugging) and strokes your hair and you fall asleep in his chest.

Lets just say you and Lucario made you a great team.

So, didja like it? Sorry again about late updates but to make it up I will have three more stories up tomorrow  

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