Latios x Female Reader

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Alright this was not written by me but someone on wattpad named Metr0Mega, they asked me to post this for them. Now we shall start ! And all compliments go to the original author, not me . So enjoy.

-------- your P.O.V ------- You had just caught your Latios 6 months ago, and have already gotten a tight bond. ... Or so you thought. Your Latios had suddenly turned into a human last month, and since then he's been giving you the cold shoulder, but you can't imagine why. You'd fed him many PokèPuffs each day and always battled and played with him, and now that he's a human he's just been ignoring you. Pushing back a strand of (h/c) hair from your face, you walk into Latios' bedroom with a sandwich and a glass of lemonade, but he isn't there. Instead, there's a note that reads "Went out for a soar. Will be back in an hour. -Latios" Figures. He hates you. Setting the plate of lunch down on Latios' bedside table, you decide to take a nap in his bed and wait for him to return. If only he knew how much you loved him... -------- Latios' P.O.V ------- Latios flies in through the open window, and is surprised to see _____ in his bed. He tries his best to suppress a blush, but fails. _____ looked so cute when she slept, and it hurt that he had to ignore her the way he does. He's afraid that if he says even a single word, his true feelings for _____ will pour from his mouth like a waterfall from a cliff side. Latios spots the delicious-looking sandwich on the bedside table, and freshly-squeezed glass of lemonade next to it (though it's not really that fresh), and figures that you had made it for him. He obligingly takes a bite out of the sandwich, with a sip of lemonade, and leaves the room. But, instead of making a quiet and stealthy exit, he stubs his toe on the leg of the bed, causing a yelp to escape his lips. -------- your P.O.V ------- A loud yelp wakes you from your nap, and you recognize it to belong to Latios. You jump out of his bed and kneel beside him, checking to see if he's okay. (He's on the floor now)"Latios! What happened?! Are you alright?!" You ask frantically, not really expecting an answer. But surprisingly, he responds! "Y-yeah... I'm fine..." He manages to whisper, which is still enough to make your (e/c) eyes widen. "Y-you finally spoke!" You shout enthusiastically. "Why haven't you been talking?! Ever since you transformed to a human, you haven't been speaking at all!" He looks up at you with a red tint all across his cheeks. Deciding it's hopeless to resist, Latios gives a heavy sigh of defeat. "L-look, _____, I feel really bad that I haven't spoken to you. But, the truth is, well... I-I love you, more than a trainer, even deeper than a friend, and I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way, so I just stopped ta-" You interrupt him by placing a gentle finger on his lips, and then replace that finger with your own lips. At first he freezes up, unsure of what to do, then decides to go along with it and kisses back. You sit there for a while, kissing and fighting for control, then pull back due to the need of air. In between gasps, you manage to say "Latios, I love you too... S-so much... And I don't want you to feel uncomfortable... I want you to be happy... I love you, Latios." The both of your faces are red as tomatoes, and you begin to maintain a regular breathing rate."I love you, too, _____, and I'm sorry that I hurt you by ignoring you. But, to make it up, look what I found while I was soaring..." Latios pulls out a shiny pendant, with a Key Stone attached to it. With sparkly eyes, you find yourself speechless as your new boyfriend/Pokèmon puts the pendant around your neck, then clips a Mega Bracelet to his wrist, containing a Latiosite. He kisses you once more, but not half as long. You find tears streaming down your face, and bring Latios into a loving hug, which he returns, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight to his chest. A Trainer's Key Stone and a Pokèmon's Mega Stone is the ultimate sign of compassion between the two. —END—

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