Raichu x Reader (Request)

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 This was requested by Wolfclaw21 on Wattpad. So sorry for updating so late a lot of activities I have to attend.


        You were chilling out at home, waiting for Raichu to come home.It had been 3 months since he turned into a human and you may have developed a crush on him.When he left it was bright and sunny outside. Green, Gold and him went to an amusement park to hang out. Now it looked cloudy.  You don't mind the rain, it was the thunder and lightning that scared you. But Raichu didn't know.
        Just then you heard thunder and whimpered a little. Then the lightning struck and you jumped a foot of the couch. You quickly got up, grabbed a blanket and hid an empty dresser in your room.

--------------------------------Raichu's P.O.V.------------------------------------
        It started getting kind of cloudy outside, so I decide to go home. "Guys I'm gonna head back home." "Alright see ya Raichu" Gold said as they walked away.

-----------------At home------------------------------------------------------

        I came home and didn't see ____ anywhere "Hey ___! Where are you?" I search around, but find her no where. I go upstairs and look in her room, she's not there. I was about to leave when the sound of small whimpers caught my attention.
        The source of the noise was ___'s old dresser. So I walk up to it, open it and find ___ hiding under a blanket and hugging her knees to her chest. "___?"
--------------Your P.O.V----------------------------------------------------
        "____?" you look up to see Raichu. "Ya..." "You okay ?" "Y...ya I'm fine" you say then a lightning bolt strikes and you jump and whimper while hiding under the blanket.
        "____ your afraid of thunder and lightning aren't  you ?" "N..No"  he sighs "Scoot over" you do so, he then sits next to you pulls you into  a hug. "Why didn't you sat anything ___?"  "I didn't want you to think I was weak."On the out you were calm, on the inside you were freaking out, your crush was hugging you. But you had to admit you completely forgot about the weather.
       " You know ___ I would never think you were weak" "Why, I'm scared of a little lightning" "Because that's another thing I can love about you" "W-What ?" "I love you a lot ___" he brings your chin up and kiss's you softly."I love you too Raichu" "Now go to sleep, OK"  "Kay" you fall asleep with no problems wrapped in Raichu's embrace.

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