Vaporeon x Reader (Request)

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You and Vaporeon  were siting on the couch, board out of your minds. "Hey___ we should do something. " "Like what ?" "How 'bout we go to the beach " you hadn't been  to the beach for awhile now, and since Vaporeon  had been a former water type so it didn't surprise you what he suggested. "Sure why not " you head upstairs and get your (s/c) swimsuit on.
        You pack a bag with money, towels, sun screen and an umbrella. You put on a (f/c) tank top, shorts and some sandals. You walk down stairs and see Vaporeon ready to go. 
--------------------------------------At the Beach--------------------------------------------------
        You were laying on the towel, just relaxing. "____" "Whats up Vaporeon ?" "Come on and swim " "I don't wanna" "Then why'd you come ?"
you blushed, the only reason you came was to see Vaporeon in his swimsuit. You had developed a ''small" crush on the former Pokemon "I came to relax " you quickly brush him off and hid your blush.
        Vaporeon smirked as he thought of a nice, fun idea, maybe not so fun for you but for him hilarious. He sneaks up behind you and grabs and throws you over his shoulder. "Vaporeon let me go !!" you  pound at his back, but he just runs to the water and tosses you in.
        You hold your breathe, and you open your eyes and try to swim upwards.But something caught your leg. You look down and see seaweed wrapped around your leg. You panic and start to jerk your leg but to no avail, you then lose consciousnesses and float into the dark abyss.
------------------------------Vaporeons P.O.V----------------------------------------------
        It had been a minute since he had thrown you in. He got worried, so he had dove down and see's you drift down. He grabs you and takes you to the beach shore. "___!!" he puts a finger to your neck and feels a weak pulse. He does CPR but its not working.
        He immediately starts mouth to mouth and a few seconds later your coughing up sea water and you sit up.
-----------------------------------Your P.O.V.---------------------------------------------
        "___ your alright !" he hugs you tightly, you were shocked but returned the hug. "Don't ever do that again, I almost lost you " "Vaporeon..." "Ya know ___ I love you, so please never make me worry like that again." you could hear the desperation in his voice "I love you too " He pulled away enough so he could capture your lips with his own. After a few minutes you pulled away and you lay your head on his chest and you sit there and hug till you leave the beach.

        This was a request from SoulEater911 on Wattpad. This one took me awhile to do, not because  I didn't know what to write. I have the worst allergies right now, I literally sneezed at least 20 time while typing this. I hope you all enjoyed :) 

Human Pokemon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now