Gallade x Reader (Request)

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Sorry this took so long. I've been busy with school and all this other crap. I also couldn't think of a good plot, still don't know if its good or not.
        You were walking to the park to meet your boyfriend, Gallade. Yes you were dating your FORMER pokemon. Gallade said he'd catch up to you in a minute. So you sit down on the bench and wait for him.
        While you waited a muscular man came up to you "Hey babe, you want to come to my place?" "My name's not babe, and I"m not going with you anywhere" you weren't a pushover kind of girl."A feisty one, I like it" he grabs your arm and pulls you up. "Let me go you bastard !"
        "Yes do what she says or I'll take care of it" an unknown male voice speaks, but you recognize the voice of Gallade. "Oh ya and what are you gonna do about it ?" "You won't like the results, lets just say that. "
         Instead of letting you go, he pull you closer with his arm around your neck in a choke hold. You manage to squeeze out "You should really... let me go " he only squeezes you tighter.  
        Gallade pulls out his two swords he keeps sheathed on his belt. "Drop. Her. Now" he states coldly as he holds the sword to his neck. "Alright man, cool off" he says shaking, releases you runs.
         "You alright ___?" he says as he sheathes his swords. "Ya, thank to you" you give him a small smile "You know, your very reckless ___" you rub  the back of your neck "I know, I'm sorry " "But that is one reason I love you" "Thank you Gallade" you hug him "Your welcome ___"
        Now every time you go to the park, Gallade makes sure he is with you every second. Witch still doesn't keep you out of trouble. 
        So this was requested by :   Aqua_The_Cat on Wattpad,  I hoped you enjoyed :)

Human Pokemon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now