16. I Shouldn't Be Chatting During Passing Period

36 3 2

Word Count: 1,867

Evelyn's POV

I haven't spoken to Niall since Saturday, after sneaking out of Colleen's house before he woke. It's not as bad as it seems! I left a note which let him know I enjoyed the weekend spent with him but that I needed to "return before morning as the landlord would be stopping by for my rent".

I'm kind of relieved he fell asleep before anything actually happened (alcohol I'm guessing) because I was definitely not looking forward to my vagina aching the next morning as it did before.

It wasn't until my endless Sunday, which I spend working (nannying), that I realised I had no way of communicating with him as it didn't phase me to give him my number.

It felt weird missing someone after just hours without seeing them. I tried to shake the feeling away but it was there to stay. So to rid of it, I drove back to Colleen's, only to see he was gone as well.
Now, all I can do is think of him as the professor explains the routine for taking the exam as I did the class before this.

When passing by me, he taps on my desk to regain my attention as he places a thin packet in front of me.

"Good luck," he whispers. I smile in return and begin to skim through the exam.

I finish quickly since the information was still fresh in my mind and walk out with the mindset that I aced it. I walk to the opposite hallway, sitting outside the door as I wait for Colleen and the girls.

The while, I scroll through my phone, looking at all the pictures which were taken at the pub and the walk we took. If I could go back, I would.

To think that in just 2 years I'll be able to live my life without this much pressure makes me glad. That is, if it ever even occurs to him to ask me out /and/ we last as long as two years. What am I saying?

About 10 minutes later, after about 30 people exiting the room, Colleen finally comes out, smiling as she sees me. It's no surprise she's the first to finish, Brooklyn and Ashley have always been a little on the dumb side, as for Colleen, she's one of the smartest girls I know. I pat the floor, gesturing her to sit beside me to wait for the others but she shakes her head and gestures me to stand up.

"Let's go," she protests, holding her hand out to me. I take it and stand to my feet beside her.

"What about Ash and Brook?" I question as she walks away, pulling me with her.

"We don't need people like them," she scoffs, irish accent thicker than I've ever heard. "Turns out they are a bunch of fakes and we can do without them."
Colleen doesn't seem to be in a good mood as she walks with her head down taking slow steps.

"Mind explaining?" I question pocketing my cell phone.

"I'd rather you come over later," she sighs. "Oh, and I still have to tell you about Tanner and you haven't told me of Jamie. I was gonna try you yesterday but I remembered you were working."

"Tanner? Who's Tanner?" I inquire, walking opposite from our usual path.

"That's exactly why you need to come over," she giggles, only to be dominated by a frown. "Anyway, I'm going home. I don't feel well and to top it off, I'm on my period so my hormones are raging and don't really feel like dealing with peoples' shit."

"You're halfway through the day, Col."

"I know but I've already gotten an advance on all my tests so I'm done for the day," she explains, gesturing me to walk her to her car. "To stay would be a total waste. I'd rather rest to ease these horrific cramps," she sighs, rubbing her stomach.

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