14: I Shouldn't Be Leaving In The Middle Of The Night

26 4 1

Word Count: 978

Evelyn's POV

Usually, with a move like that, my handprint would be on their face like a stamp but I actually liked it. His lips tasted like alcohol and, I must say, I loved it.
Put it this way, imagine we're in America, where drinking isn't legal until the age of 21. If it weren't for last night, I'd find it even more thrilling to have a taste of alcohol before the legal age.

"Evelyn, you just ran a traffic stop," I hear Niall mutter. I blink rapidly realising I'd been daydreaming while driving. "I may've been better suited for driving," he chuckles, leaning back into the headrest.

"I was just distracted, that's all," I admit.

"Won't be a good enough excuse to the police," he jibes, zipping his hoodie up halfway then crossing his arms over his chest as he leans his head on the headrest. I roll my eyes and try my best to no longer allow my attention to be diverted from the road.

It's much quieter with Sean and Dylan no longer in the vehicle (mainly Dylan). I was excepting the drive to be longer but Dylan decided to stay the night at Sean's to save us the "time" and "trouble". All I'm really trying to do is avoid the alone time with Niall; I'm afraid he'll want to get intimate.
I've never been involved in this type of situation but I've heard you aren't suppose to sleep with a drunk person because it's followed by a slap of regret to both parties.

"Are you drunk?" I blurt instinctively, not taking my eyes off the damp road.

"No," he mutters before stopping a second to think. "I don't know. Maybe. Why?"

"Just curious."

"Can you drive with one hand?" he asks in the same tone I did.

"Why?" I giggle.

He tugs my left hand off the steering wheel, entwining his fingers with mine, resting them between us and leans back onto the headrest again.

"Just curious," he mimics in a smirk.

He softly runs his thumb over the back of my hand, keeping me calm, cool and collected.

I can drive with only hand, but my left. Even though I'm right-handed, I grew used to driving with my left hand (in the US) while my right hand was constantly switching radio stations or used for conversation and such, but he doesn't have to know that.

Getting my license in this country was the hardest thing I could possibly do. It was like living in the parallel universe of your reflection, everything is opposite. I remember constantly turning onto the right lane and swerving to get back on track.

"Evelyn," Niall chuckles. "Stop running these damn stop signs." I apologise under my breath and focus on the road.


I unlock the front door and Niall pushes it open pulling me inside. He shuts the door behind me and pushes me against it, quickly locking his lips to mine. His hand rests on my cheek as he pulls away and purses his lips inwards.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers as he runs his thumb over my cheek. "You really are."
I close my eyes, indulging his touch. As I open them, his eyes are soft and his smile is gentle. The fuzzy feeling began at my stomach as I stare at his lips. I want to kiss him with all my being but have to resist. He licks his lips and my attention is switched back to his eyes, which seem to be laughing.

In the blink of an eye, he decides to lean in so I take the chance to lean in as well. I feel his lips form into a smile as he knows he has me wrapped around his finger. His fingertips latch onto my shirt, then brush against my lower abdomen, making me gasp and push him away. His eyes widen with shock as it all happens so suddenly.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do," he mutters, linking his pointer to mine. "I wouldn't wanna make you feel pressured."

I'm torn. What do I want to do? I can't seem to be able to control my thoughts. I'm put in the situation where a pocket-sized me is dressed as an angel and is sitting on my right shoulder and a little pocket-sized me dressed as a devil and is sitting on my left shoulder.

The little angel stands up and runs to my ear, whispering for me to thank Niall for being so understanding but the little devil cuts her off by shouting, "YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! JUST MAKE EVERYTHING EASIER AND DO IT!"

"Thank you," I utter, making the angel cross her arms in satisfaction. "But I think I want to."

The little devil mockingly laughs at the angel before making herself disappear as does the angel when Niall smiles and leans in again. His cold hand cups my cheek as he moves closer and closer until there is practically no space between us. He pulls away, sucking on his lip before he opens his mouth to speak.

"Let's go upstairs," he whispers, voice so raspy my heart begins to pound.

I nod, not saying a word, and allow myself to be led by him. He opens the door to the guest room- where I fell asleep earlier- and pulls me inside, not even bothering to close the door behind him. He wears a sly grin on his face as he picks up straight where he left off; cupping my cheek and placing a hand on my lower back to keep me close to him. He slowly walks me forward until the back of his legs bump into the bed, then he lets himself fall back, having me fall on top of him, making me laugh. He stops my laughter by continuing as he was, brushing his tongue against my lip.

This is for Alix and Aisha (:

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