03: I Shouldn't Be Sneaking

64 9 2

Word Count: 1,179

Niall's POV

It wasn't until a few minutes ago that I realised Evelyn was nowhere in sight. I couldn't see her dark hair nor hear her laugh, which she seemed to do a lot. As I give up looking for her all around both front and backyard, I'm left with my only option of her being inside the house.

Through the sliding glass door, a crowd of rowdy people is formed around the dining room table, so I squeeze through to move past them.

As I emerge through the crowd, I stumble into the kitchen and see Darragh sucking face with a girl that isn't Evelyn, in fact, the exact opposite of her. He's standing ahead of her as she's sitting on the countertop and has her legs wrapped around him. As his hand is wandering up her thigh, I can't bear to see more.

Since his back is turned to me, I quickly run into the living room to see her seated on the couch, alone and so clueless as to what is happening just meters away from her. He'll only corrupt her, getting her to do things she would never do willingly.

She smiles as she sees me but I can't seem to return her gesture. I can't believe Darragh would do anything to hurt her.

I act quickly and walk up to her, taking the cup out of her hand, knowing she's only drinking because Darragh expected her to.

"Stop drinking, Evelyn," I mumble to her. "You know it's not you."

She scrunches her mouth to a side and looks down at the cup.

"Have you seen Darragh around?" she asks softly. "He told my to stay here but he's been gone for a while."

Her dark brown eyes look so hurt as if she had an idea of what he is doing.

"Evelyn, let's go," I demand, taking her hand to stand her up. "I can't let you stay."

"Where are we going?" she inquires.

"Anywhere but here."

She nods in agreement and walks beside me, out the front door, not bothering to even look back.

"I'm parked 10 down and we need to get there before anyone from Sigma sees. Can you run in those?"

"I can barely walk in them," she giggles. "But I can try." She holds onto my hand saying, "If I fall, you fall," then runs beside me.

As we come to a stop at my vehicle, her legs begin to wobble but I catch her before she falls.

"You're like my body guard," she says in a smile, "making sure nothing bad happens to me."

"Something like that," I say in a smile, unlocking the door then opening it for her, helping her inside. "Listen, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get your things."

"Will you actually come back?" she asks, eyes full of sorrow.

I feel so bad for her. She's always looked so innocent and for her to be hurting over a guy which I didn't properly warn her about when I had the chance makes me feel worse.

"Of course," I mumble. "I promise." I run my finger over my heart and cross it then hand her my keys, telling her to turn the vehicle on so she won't suffocate. I then close her door and begin running back to Colleen's bedroom.

As I walk in through the door, I hear my name being called and look around until I see Darragh, scratching the back of his head.

"Hey, have you seen Evelyn?" he huffs.

"No," I fib. "I thought she was with you?"

"Well she was, but I don't know where she could've gone. I went for a wee and when I came back, she was nowhere to be found."

"I don't know, man. For all you know, she could've been snatched up by someone else."

"I hope not," he groans. "I almost had her."

"Try asking Sigma, maybe she's back there, but good luck finding her, man. I need to wee," I lie again, running up the stairs.

I walk into Colleen's bedroom and look all around for her clothes but only find her shoes. I take them and walk out the door and down the stairs as quick as possible before Sigma begins to look around for Evelyn.

As soon as I walk out of the front door, I run down the driveway to my vehicle and close myself inside. Evelyn's face is glowing with excitement as she lays her eyes on her shoes then juts her lip.

"I hope you don't mind me using your sweater," she mutters. "I'm not quite used to this cold weather. I was freezing."

"It's not a problem," I hum. "As long as you're comfortable."

I switch gears and make a U-turn, turning out of Colleen's driveway and take some back roads, as the music softly plays so she could relax a bit more, hopefully forgetting all about that dick-head-of-a-guy.

It wasn't long before she started asking questions.

"He was with that blonde girl, wasn't he?" she murmurs, turning to me.

I breathe out, lightly nodding my head. I see her throw her head back to the headrest and breathe in.

"I knew it."

She crosses her legs on the seat and leans her head on the window.

"He put more alcohol in my cups while we were playing beerpong. He did that to get me drunk faster and get in my pants, didn't he?" she says a bit louder. I huff a solid yes.

"That's why I told you to be careful," I admit.

"I can't believe I'm actually that stupid."

I rely on my peripheral vision to take hold of her hand, rubbing my thumb over the back of it to hopefully comfort her.

As soon as I pull my hand away, she turns to me but says nothing... so long that I actually feel myself blushing.


I chuckle but keep my eyes on the road so she won't see. She doesn't respond, just laughs breathily, leaning her cheek on the shoulder of the seat and continues to stare at me. I feel my face heat up more and it gets harder to not smile.

"Evelyn, what are you looking at?"

Still no response, which leaves me itching for an answer. I pull into the next road and park the vehicle under an LED street light in a soon-to-be neighbourhood.

I undo my seatbelt and turn as she is, hoping she wouldn't mind talking.

"Are you gonna tell me or am I just gonna speak to myself?" I jibe.

She gives me a smile that I know I won't be able to get off my mind before she lifts herself off the seat and places her hand on my cheek, pulling me in and crashing her lips into mine.

At first I was in shock since I'd hoped for this moment for months and figure it's not really happening but as she runs her fingers through my hair I take in her sweet smell and kiss her back.

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