08: I Shouldn't Be Worrying

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A/N: I was really excited to post this chapter because I believe it shows a bit of the strong bond that Niall and Colleen has. Also, it shows you Colleen's take on things. So here you have Colleen's point of view.

Word Count: 1,934

Colleen's POV

It's been a few hours and I haven't seen Evelyn around. The raunchy song buzzing through the speakers makes me begin to worry as I'm sure she's gonna be pressured into giving up her purity to just some random who tries to make her feel like he loves her. I try to brush it off and take another gulp of my drink, trying to believe that she's grand, but at the pit of my stomach something tells me she's not. These thoughts are slowly eating up my conscience, telling me that if she's not, I'll live with the guilt of having corrupted my best friend, who's the only stable person I know.

I walk past the crowd of sweaty, smelly bodies, looking out for any familiar face that might have a clue as to where she could be.

I see Brooklyn within a group of people as she licks something off one of the guys' fingers. As I squeeze between two of the people, she sees me and smiles deviously.

"Brook, have you seen Evelyn?" I shout over her shoulder in attempt to be heard over the music. She shakes her head and waves me off; she's obviously no help.

Since I can't find Ashley around the house, I go into the laundry room and sit atop of the dryer to be some place quieter as I try Evelyn. The dial tone seems to take longer than usual, but that's probably just because I expect her to answer on the first ring. After trying her about 10 times, I decide to keep looking for her since she probably won't hear her ringer over the sound of the music... Right?

About half an hour later, I finally find Ashley in the swimming pool, making out with another girl as a crowd of paralytic bowsies cheer them on while continuing to consume their alcohol. I feel like such a buzzkill as I walk to the side of the pool and shout her name, except she doesn't listen.

"Ash! Have you seen Evelyn?" I shout.

She looks up at me as she holds the girl's lip between her teeth and smiles as she continues to kiss at her neck. I'd always known she was gonna be the first to hook up with another girl.

"I don't know where Evelyn is. Have you seen her?" I ask again.

"Nope, sorry," she breaths as the girl now kisses her neck.

"Colleen, you should join them," I hear someone call out as I'm about to walk away. Ashley smirks up as if to agree. I suppress my laughter. "In your dreams," I scoff, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

Not seeing Darragh in sight either, I assume they're together but as I'm walking up the stairs, I see him at the centre of a crowd, chugging from a funnel, except Evelyn is no where in sight around him. I continue walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, seeing a couple making out on my bed and huff.

"Get out," I sigh, waiting and watching as they leave.

I close my door behind them, then check the toilet just to make sure she's not maybe-hopefully-puking in there. As I see an empty and dark cubicle, I feel the need to give up but grab my phone, quickly dialling her number, holding it up to my ear, listening to the dial tone.

As I hear her silly little jingle of a ringtone for me sound off in the bedroom, my stomach drops. She doesn't go anywhere without it, not even the toilet. I follow the tone to find all her things in the cabinet which she claimed as her own when she first stayed the night. None of this is making sense to me and I'm worrying a ton.

I run back downstairs, into the room which Brooklyn was in and pull her away from the tall fella she's with, to talk to her.

"Brook, this is serious," I panic. "I can't find Evelyn and she's left her phone."

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