10: I Shouldn't Be Confessing

45 7 4

Word Count: 1,259

Driving into Colleen's driveway is like a parent's nightmare. There are colourful plastic cups scattered all over the yard along with beer bottles and cans and cigarette boxes, ziplock bags and just flat out trash.

As soon as Niall stops the vehicle, I run out, towards my car, which is covered in streamers and wet clothes. As I get near it, it reeked of cheap beer and chlorine. What the hell did it go through last night? Niall stands beside me, laughing as I dramatically hug the windshield, apologising to my car for leaving it behind.

After seeing the car is still locked, we walk to the door, inviting ourselves in since it was unlocked. Niall calls out for Colleen but no sound is made throughout the house.

I make my way up the stairs, ahead of Niall and run into her dark bedroom. I let myself fall to the length of the bed, hugging her tightly as she groans. I begin singing a made up song quietly to her as she continues groaning. As Niall walks into the bedroom as well, I crawl under the blankets with her and curl up beside her, keeping myself warm. Niall turns the lights on, causing her to mope.

"Wake up and love me," I whine as I bury my face into the exposed part of her neck, making her giggle at the tickling feeling.

"Ye left me," she snaps, only talking loud enough for me to hear.

"Sorry," I apologise in the same tone. She gives in and wraps her arms around me, squeezing me so tight I stop breathing.

"I thought something had happened to you!" she belts. "Where did you go?"

I see Niall rubberneck over Colleen's shoulder to us so I assume he doesn't want me to tell, which is great because I didn't want Colleen to know either.

"Niall and I got some Chinese," I say, smiling innocently. "And Niall's friend, Sean, had us over as we all ate, then time just slipped away so we slept, and now we're here." Colleen gives me a look of suspicion as I can't stop smiling.

"I need to pee," she remarks, rolling to the edge of the bed then walking around, shoving Niall aside in a playful manner as he gives her a grimace.

As soon as she closes herself in her bathroom, I pop off the bed to the cabinet in the wardrobe where my things are. As I place the bag on the desk, Niall comes over as well.

"That's why I couldn't find anything," he mutters.

I nod in a smile as I open the zipper and pull out my cell phone. I have so many notifications from Colleen that my stomach drops, only being able to imagine how worried she must've been that I wasn't picking up.

"You tried calling me last night, Col?" I shout, looking over to the bathroom door for an answer before sliding one over. Each text seems more pleading than the next. Automatically, I regret not having my cell phone last night. Since she hasn't answered, I feel my face heat up with remorse. From the corner of my eye, I see Niall reach into my bag, pulling my bra out.

"Ooh, matches ye knickers," he smirks, pulling the elastic of the sweatpants from my hips to peek in, which makes my mood completely change. I snatch it from him in embarrassment and stick it back into my bag, zipping it. He keeps his smirk stamped on his face as he gets my attention from my screen to him.

He pulls me closer to him from my hips and lifts my chin as he places his lips to mine, sliding my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. I'm completely mesmerised by him as his emotions pour into me, I have no control as to what could happen.

Next thing I know, I'm taking in his gentle touches as he pins me against the wardrobe and kisses me in such a way that makes me shut my fist with his hair in between my fingers, which caused him to smile into the kiss. When it hits me, how risky it is to be doing this by the ear, I try to stop him.

"Niall," I whisper as I pull away from him, pushing a hand to his chest as well. "I can't do this. Colleen can't know that there is anything going on between us."

"Why?" he whispers back, tilting his head.

"Yesterday, I promised her I wouldn't," I explain, yet I still craved the feeling of his lips on mine. He runs his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner.

"She didn't want you with me because you were a virgin," he says bluntly making me freeze in place. "Which you didn't bother telling me."

"I didn't want you to back out," I admit. "I know you would've."

"You don't know anything," he retorts. "If you don't want anything to do with me, just tell me, you don't have to make up a bullshit excuse to save your arse," he scoffs, slowly walking backwards until he reaches the desk and takes his keys.

His face keeps a soft grimace as he looks at me, what felt was going to be the last time. I hear the restroom door click and see Colleen from the corner of my eye. I look over at her and make a big decision.

"Niall," I call out without breaking contact with Colleen. I see as he turns back to me, clutching on to his keys. "Colleen, I broke my promise. I understand if you're upset with me but I need to let you know," I breathe. "I slept with Niall last night," I admit. Her jaw drops as she looks over at him in shock. "I know that was your only rule and I am sorry for breaking it but I can't leave it this way."

I take a short breather as I walk over to Niall and stand ahead of him, looking up to him then quickly pull him down to my level and kiss him with all I've got. He's taken by such surprise that he drops his keys, but takes hold of my face to kiss me back instead. I pull away and smile as I see his eyes remain closed.

"I really do like you," I whisper to him and see him smile as his eyes open.

"I thought you were drunk when I rang you! That's why I didn't think anything actually happened," she blurts to Niall.

"What are you talking about?" I ask curiously.

"I rang Niall last night and he told me," she utters, almost as if she regretted opening her mouth.

I look over at Niall suspiciously as to say 'why would you cause a scene' and she looks around nervously.

"I had no idea about the deal until now," he jitters.

"She actually broke a promise for you, I hope you know that," she scoffs. "You must feel great," she adds sarcastically.

Niall turns and looks at me as to say 'I'm an asshole.' I wrap my finger around his, assuring it was alright.

"So you're not angry at me?" I ask for reassurance, holding onto Niall's pinky. She watches as I do so and shakes her head.

"I just didn't want you to settle for him," she says in a devious chuckle. "I still think he's gross."

Niall discreetly scratches the side of his face, which is facing Colleen, with his middle finger.

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