chapter onee :)

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What a laugh tonight had been! Me and my three best mates, Alice, Ellie and Tia, had just been dancing at a local nightclub. My name is Sarah by the way and me and the girls had been best mates since our first year at high school, Year 7. Tonight was meant to be a fun night, just going out then getting back not to late.

We had left the club and started walking home and were by the old part of town by midnight.

"I quite fancy some chips guys" announced Ellie. "Of course you would Ellie, hahahaa" laughed Alice. We all decided to find a chippy in the old part of town, but Tia wasn't happy about our decision.

"My mum tells me all sorts of things about this place, im not sure i want to go down here...can we go to the normal chip shop guys?" "Don't be silly Tia, the other chip shop is about 1 mile away from here! My house is only around the corner, any way half those things probably arent true!" i protested.

We finally got Tia to come with us as they were all coming back to my house for the night they had no choice but to come with me. We looked around the town for about 15 minutes and couldnt find one open shop at all. "This is a piss take!" said Alice. Alice was very impatient and she didnt like having to wait alot. She didnt like being out to much either, once she had had enough she wouldnt do anything else.

There had been no cars or people in sight all night in the town, but all of a sudden we saw a white van slowly driving up the road. "Oh no, guys, i told you something bad was going to happen! The vans going to get us! We've gotta go quick!" shreiked Tia. We all watched as the van drove straight past us, we all looked at Tia and she laughed. "I was only joking" She said sarcasticly. Tia was also some what more careful then the rest of us, she didnt like to stay out to late or go near anyone she didnt know. Shee wouldnt go certain places and we were lucky enough to go down the old town.

We started walking down the road when we came across a park, me and Ellie, being as childish as ever decided to go play on the swings so the others came too. I looked in my bag and found i still had a bottle of vodka. We evenly shared out the vodka between us and took a few pictures on the see-saw. We all then carried on walking but Alice fell over and we all sat down on the grass with her for a few minutes.

"We better be getting back home now, its getting late, its almost 2!" I told the girls. Just as i said that, another van came driving up the road, this time alot faster, and the driver seemed angry and looked straight at us, We all carried on ignoring it as the other van had gone past fine with Tia over reacting. Little did we know what was heading our way...


pleaase comment and tell me whaat you thinkk &&& VOTEE ;) x

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