chapter fivee :)

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Alice picked up all of the envenlopes and threw them. "HOW THE HELL AM I MEANT TO DO THIS!" ask screamed at the camera. She was having a panik attack. I rushed over to her to see if she was okay, but she had fainted, I grabbed the scalpol and went over to Tia. Here goes nothing i thought. I turned her over and 2 minutes later i got the key. unlocked one of the locks. EW. Disguisting. I went over to Connor and took his hand, "Do you want to live?" i asked him. he nodded his head. "Good, now this will hurt a little bit. okay?" He gave the same reply but clenched his eyes shut. I slices along the palm of his hand and i could see blood and underneath a gold piece of metal. Right now i need to pull it out.

"This is going to hurt a bit more." I said sympathetically. He winced as i grabbed the tip of the key and started to pull, he let out a scream and started crying. Bless him. As soon as the key was out i unlocked the next lock. One more. Now, the third key. Alice's hips. Shit. How was i going to do this. She was out cold at the moment, maybe if i just did a little cut. The key was in the right side of her body so i pressed the scalpel onto her side and pushed as hard as i could. Alice woke up and screamed in pain. "What the fuck are you doing!?" she screamed. "This is the only way to save the child, look at him!" i replied. "I have got the other keys."

"I dont give two shits if you have the other keys, your not cutting my hips open, SCREW THE KID!" Alice nastily hissed. "ALICE! How could you be such a bitch!?" i asked sheepishly. "Me the bitch?! i know what you did Sarah, your not innocent. You killed Tia! I heard you and Amelia talking, you poisoned...." Alice was interupted by Amelia shouting... "TIMES UP!".

"Oh shit..." Me and Alice echoed. 

"Your die Connor!!!"  Laughed Paul. Just like that, Connor died, his ribs broke and because he was so thin, his heart was crushed and he died. I hated those words from now on. Its your die. Those would be the words we heard every night from now on we were told. That was what we would have to do every night in order to save our selves. I hated this place. I really did. When and if i escaped i would kill those bastard Jones.

"Okaay everyone. Now that we've finished our game show we will sit down with some popcorn and watch the film. Alice, go get the popcorn from the kitchen. Paul you go with her. The rest of you follow me." Amelia ordered us. We followed her and sat down. The two little kids were crying, they'd just llost their little buddy, even though i tried i still feel like im to blame. What sickk phyco's these Jones' were! Making us watch each other suffer and try to save each other then watching poor Connor die! Alice brought the popcorn, but none of us ate it during the horrifying video. I threw up during the bit when Connor died and so did Ellie think. Alice sat there crying, she'd killed that child, not with her hands but selfishly.

Paul, John and Amelia laughed at our screams and muffled cries during the video and that made them even more sick and twisted. I just glared at them the whole time. They took no notice. I still hadnt came up with a plan to get out of here. I hadnt had a proper look around the house yet though. Thats why. For now we all needed to go and get some rest for the night and try not to think about what will happen to us tomorow. We all climbed down to the basement and went to sleep. I think Alice is the only one who didnt go to sleep.

In the morning when i woke up, i was the first to wake up. The baby was still fast asleep so i left it there. Ellie and Alice still hadnt spoke to me after they found out i killed Tia. Why would they? One of their best friends was killed by their other best friend, i didnt blame them. But yet i still yearned to talk to them, i was feeling so lonely and we needed to be there for each other and stay strong together. Not to give in. Suddenly i smelt porridge really strongly, then i heard the basement door open. Paul came in with the tray of porridge for us all and this time a pot of baby food for the baby, that must mean it was at least 6 months now. Was it their baby? Or was it abducted by these evil bastards? I decided not to ask, I cant risk getting in any trouble with the Jones'.

We were yet again led to the big shed where we experienced Tia being tortured. There was a pile of blood left on the floor from where Tia's arm had been yesterday. I felt sick just looking at it, why didnt they clean it up? Do they get the amusement from being sick bastards? So many questions that needed answering, yet still i knew they wouldnt be answered. Amelia started off by giving us a speech about what we had to carry on with what we were doing yesterday and if it wasnt completed one of us will die a gruesome way and all of us would have to kill them that way. Phyco's.

We were told to get started, we had already done the finger nail box, and needed to give 20 more items to have suceeded. The next box i saw, was the nose tips. We had to cut off the tips of our noses and put them into a box. How sick was that. There was Me, the baby, Alice, Ellie, Sophie and Terence left. Ellie and me said we would, but when we asked Alice, she was having none of it. She was loosing it. So that left Terence and Sophie to do it. I couldnt do it to the baby.

We decided to do Sophie and Terence's first, so that they didnt see how much it would hurt us. Ellie had to do Terence and i had to do Sophie as they trusted both of us. We did it on the count of three, and i will never forgett the piercing scream that filled my ears. That was that, two down, two to go. Me and Ellie appologised to the kids aferwords and comforted them. Then it was our turn. We did it in a matter of seconds, but it really hurt. So badly. But i do have to admit seeing every one walk around with red noses reminded me of rudolf the red nosed reighndeer. There, two boxes done. The next box was the toes. 4 toes. Oh my god. Any worse?!

Every now and then we heard sniggers of laughter from Amelia, John and Paul. We'd look at them in disgust and carry on suffering. I said i would give two toes if Ellie would, and she agreed. I was furious, how could Alice sit there and watch us do all of this our selves? Stupid selfish bitch. Thats what i thought. Just because she didnt want to harm her self. She'd always been like that, never to hurt her self, if she had to choose between her and like, her brother, she'd survive. Believe me.

I couldn't believe i was about to cut off two of my toes. i decided to cut of both of my pinkie toes. So did Ellie. This took much longer then our noses, because i had to gain the courage to cut off my toes. I knew this would be painful. I did the first toe after 3 minutes, the second straight away. At first i didnt feel anything, my body was numb. But then came a rush of pain. It was agonising. That was yet again another box filled in. Ellie did her's with out complaining, she simply jus cried. However, i screamed the place down.

Three boxes to go. Not bad,, half way. But so much pain. Why is this happening to us. "Hurry up you lot, we want to get back to plan tonight's It's your die game show!" exclaimed Paul. "Damn you bitch!" Whispered Ellie. The next box i couldnt believe. Four ears. FOUR BLOODY EARS!" How the hell are we meant to give four ears!?" I scremed with outrage. John simply answered me with, "Not the whole ear, just the ear lobes. Better for you?" I couldnt believe how subtle he was about it. Arsehole. I spoke to Ellie and Alice, and we decided to do it to the two younger kids as we did our toes and other stuff. The children agreed to let us do it because we told them they will live if they do it. I felt so bad, they didnt have to do it, they were made to do it. Poor children.

Im not even going to go into detail of how the ear lobe's went, the children were still crying half an hour later but that box was done. Two boxes to go. Slowly counting down the boxes, but things didnt get better. Or worse for that matter, in fact they just stayed the same. Four finger tips. Ellie offered to do all of these. "Why Ellie? Why would you want to do all of them?" I asked. "Because you'll need your fingers more then me soon." Replied Ellie. What did she mean by that i wondered?

One box to go and that was toe nails, this was hardly anything after cutting off ours toes so we took the nails off the toes we cut off as Amelia said we could. DONE. Todays work done. For now. I was so relieved when we got back to the basement, i thought id never want back there again, but the smell of metallic blood was starting to give me a headache and i felt dizzy. It was hard to walk at first as our feet were hurting but they soon scabbed over and hurt less.


Thats it for now! :) please vote && comment x

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