chapter three :)

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John had picked up the hack saw and decided to walk towardsTia, her face was pale white like a ghost's. "You cheeky little bitch, how dare you shout at me like that, you will learn around here. Now give me your arm." He grinned. "No!, You cant cut my arm off!" shriecked Tia. Alice fainted, she couldnt stand the sight of blood and she definately couldnt watch one of the best mates have her arm cut off. I got the three children to look away, i knew there was nothing i could do to save her, if i did i knew i would have something done to punish me.

John grabbed Tia's arm and pulled it out infront of him, he was squeezing it so tightly Tia let out a yelp. He placed the hacksaw on Tia's arm and she burst into tears. I had to look away, the noise that we all heard next was horryfying. Tia let out a piercing scream as he started to saw away and blood was pooring out everywhere. Ellie was frozen to the spot, she just sat there staring at Tia's arm being cut off. The whole place was filled with scream's, and it all got louder when he started to saw through the bone, "STOP!!!!!" Tia begged, but he wouldnt stop now, she had to learn and it was almost off.

The arm fell to the floor, everyone gasped, besides Tia, she was in tears crying her eyes out. But little did she know they werent finished with her. Tia grabbed the nearest rag and pressed it to her arm to stop the bleeding, but it wasnt  working.

"Ah, we cant have you dying on us, not yet anyway. We will have to stop this bleeding wont we? Amelia, will you pass the torch." asked Paul. "How is a torch going to stop the bleeding?" piped up Ellie. "Well, Ellie, this isnt an ordinary torch, its a blowtorch." he replied. Tia let out a cry and Ellie started to cry to. I was the only child not crying, i had to be brave, for everyone. Paul walked towards Tia and told her to hold out her arm, she refused to. "You dont want to die now do you Tia?" Paul asked. She shook her head and put her arm out, it was still bleeding but it was going stop soon.

As soon as Paul put the torch on Tia's arm it smelt of really bad burning flesh. Tia was in so much pain, we could all tell from her cry's and screams. Ellie got up and ran over to a corner to throw up. She couldnt bear to watch any more so she came and sat with the children, i gave her the baby and went over to Tia once She was left. I put my arms around her to get her to calm down. "Oi, you, get out of the way!" He was talking to me, oh no. He wasnt finished 'teaching her a lesson'. This time i started to cry.

Amelia was holing a scalpel, like the one's we used back in science at our school. School. I miss there already, i never thought id miss it but being stuck here is far worse then school. I wondered if our parents would be searching for us, they must be! My mum knew i was sensible and wasnt a heavy drinker, no one got drunk last night so we couldnt have got badly lost or hurt. Amelia went up to tia, and showed her the scalpel. "This should teach you a lesson not to mess with the Jone's." She said to Tia. Jones was their last name. Right i was gathering information here that might be useful if one of us escapes.

Amelia, placed the scalpel on Tia's cheek and pressed harder untill red blood appeared. Tia couldnt help but cry, she had been through so much pain already. Poor poor Tia. Amelia carved a J into her cheek, this would definately scar. A tear ran from the corner of my eye, she had always been so beautiful, but now she will have a nasty scar. This time they were finished, they left Tia to cry and whine.

"Right, lets get back to our little project okay? Only one box has got something in it and thats one finger nail. I want you to fill that box with 4 then we can go back for dinner. You will do the rest tomorow." Announced John. I looked at Ellie, she had offered to give up two. It was only fair i thought if i give up another one so its over and done with. Ellie was given the pliers first and she looked at me. I nodded, saying it would be okay. She ripped one of her nails of faster then i did because she wanted it done already. "AHHHHHHHHH" She screamed as it was ripped off. She did the same with the second nail then just sat down. I took the pliers and ripped off another nail. This time i didnt scream, i just grunted. These sick bastards wont get pleasure out of torturing me.

We got lead back to the house and put into the basement again. Amelia said she was sick of cooking so one of us elder girls had to do it. I offered because i wanted to get a study of the house for an escape route. I was in the kitchen looking around but all i saw was the door to the basement and a door to a front room. I was told we were having sausages and bacon for dinner with scrambeled eggs, but it wasnt simple. "You have to poison one of the meals for someone you are down there with, we dont care who, but if you dont complete this we will torture you worse then what happened to Tia. Understood?" Amelia told me. "But will poisoning it kill the person?" I asked. I was told it would and when that person died i had to put their body into a body bag and bring it to her.

I started to cook the bacon and sausages. How was i meant to kill one of them! I couldnt do it, i cant kill the baby, poor thing. I definately cant kill the three children. That leaves... my best friends. Maybe i can kill myself? No, i need to save the children and the baby. Tia. She was in pain, surely she wouldnt want to be in much more pain? NO, how could i even think that. I just want to go home. The sausages and bacon was ready i just needed to do the eggs.

I've came to a decision. Tia. She will have to go, she's the weakest it health right now and i need to save the people who have a definate chance of living. I loved Tia, but it was for the best. I wont tell the others i shall just say she must have died from the blood loss. Thats it. I plated out the food and put it all onto a little trolley. I had put the poison on Tia's plate and gave her her food first.Then the others. I made the baby a bottle and once everyone had eaten and finished i collected the plates. Oh no! Tia hasnt eaten a bite. I'll have to tell Amelia.

"Amelia, erm, I put poison in one of the plates of food..." I said quietly. "Yes?" she replied. "Well, it was Tia's, but she didnt eat a bite of her food. What shall i do?" I asked. "Oh for fucks sake. She's a spoilt bitch that one, you'll have to make pudding and if she doesnt eat that give her a glass of water with it." She ordered. I nodded my head and went to the kitchen. I made a simple dinner, just a bowl of ice cream and chocolate sauce. I did as i was told and poisoned Tia's again. Everyone was pleased when i brought down ice cream. But still crying from what had happened.

Tia still didnt eat anything, she said she wasnt hungry and felt sick. I asked her if she wanted some water. She said yes.I felt to horrible for doing this but i couldnt die or be injured, i had to escape! She drank down the water in one gulp. It was seconds before she started to choke up blood and fall to the floor. Ellie and Alice rushed over straight away. I followed. I checked her pulse and ran up to get Amelia. She came down and laughed, she told me to bag her up and bring her upstairs. Every one was crying at this point. Even me.

"Leave her by the back door" Amelia told me. "We'll use her body to feed the pigs, they quite enjoyed her arm. Hahahaha"

Sick bitch. How could you do that! Yet again, i chose to kill her.


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