chapter seveen :)

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...Four fingers each, some cucumber and some bloody guts. HOW FUCKING DISGUSTING CAN THESE JONES' GET? I thought to my self quietly. There's no way i would be able to eat this, this was pure sickening. By now we were all crying, besides Alice, who'd already starteed eating, the bloody guts. How manky. Ergh. I told Sophie and Terence to eat really fast and then i started.

"Who's body piece's are these?" I asked trying not to gag. "They are parts of Tia, and Connor. Taste nice?" Asked Amelia. "Haha." i replied. This has made me really angry. I needed to get this over and done with i thought. I wondered if i could sneak a bit of my stuff onto Alice's plate if i got her to look away? It's worth a try... "Alice, look behind you, there's something dangling! What is it?" I asked. Every one looked behind Alice, she even turned her head away, so i took a handful of my bloody guts and put them on her plate. "There's nothing" she hissed and carried on eating. Thank god. No one noticed. besides Ellie. Shit. Too my surprise, she just laughed. So i finished the guts but almost threw up. Terence wasnt eating no more. He refused and told me he'd rather die. I started to cry.

"Please Terence? For me? For Sophie?" i Begged him. Ellie begged him too but he just shook his head. Sophie started to cry and said she wasnt going to eat hers unless Terence ate his. I hated having to make him feel guilty like this but i said it anyway. "Terence, see Sophie will die if you dont eat it , and so will you. You dont want that to happen do you? Please?" I pleaded. This time he looked at me, and i nodded, then Sophie, she sniffed, then Ellie, and she nodded. "Fine." He mumbled. He couldnt bear the thought of killing Sophie.

I took 15 minutes to eat mine, i took the longest. Even longer then the kids because i gagged the whole way through it. It was disgusting. I think Alice got tired of waiting because she sighed and looked at me as if too say, 'I want to kill you so badly right now'. Lovely girl. Finito. All gone. Thank god. Oh crap. I was going to be sick. I turned my head to the right, not realising Alice was so close and threw up. I really didnt mean to be sick on her but it just came up.

"You fucking little whore!" She screeched. "Look what you've done!" I looked at her apolegetically but she gave me the evils. I said i was sorry but she just scoffed and flicked the sick off of her.

"Well, isnt this exciting!" Shrieked Amelia to the camera. "But guys, can you try not to swear, i mean c'mon, theres kids in the room" She laughed hysterically at this. But we didnt, we glared at her. Fucking bitch. Wait untill i escape from here. I'll get her. "DESERT!" chirped John. Oh no, not more! I'll bbe sick again! Yet again we watched the trolley turn up and spread out the bowls this time. YES! nothing bad! Underneath the tin foil on top of our bowls was 3 scoops of ice cream! Something nice to wash down, the other stuff...

"3...2....1...GO!" Every one scoffed it down besides Terence. "I'm allergic to ice cream. I cant eat it." He cryed. "Now im going to die!" He sniffed. Oh no, they must have done this knowing he was allergic to it other wise they wouldnt have given us plain ice cream for the fun of it!

"1 minute!" Cheered Paul. Oh crap. He's a goner.

"Are you sure your allergic Terence?" I asked doubtfully. He nodded cutely. Aww bless him.

" Can i eat it for him?" I asked hopefully. Amelia nodded and smiked. I grabbed the bowl and scoffed down half of it when i jumped to the sound of John shouting.

"Times up!" He shouted. Shit! Why didnt i share it with Ellie? It would have saved him. Oh for gods sake, i basically just killed Terence. A tear dropped from my eye and suddenly a huge hammer came crashing down on Terence's head making blood splatter over everyone say at the table. Sophie, me and Ellie burst into tears but Alice let out a giggle.

"Whst the hell Alice? He just died and your giggling to your self?" I harshly asked. "Yes, actually." Alice replied.

"Okay well that was the end of Its your die. And guess what Terence, Its your die!! Hahahaha!" laughed John. Amelia cut off the camera and looked at us all. "Okay, everyone to the sitting room, we shall be watching the film tonight but this time with some jelly tots. Alice, you go get changed. You stink." Announced Amelia. We all did as we were told and when Alice came back up she gave me a scowl.

So for another hour or so we had to sit there, watching the video over, watching what had just happened to us, and sickly, Amelia had zoomed in with the camera on Terence when the hammer came down. Sick cow. We all looked away and gasped when we saw The hammer fall. We all still had his blood splattered on our faces but we werent allowed to wash it off. I felt physically sick again. This time i didnt throw up though. No one besides Amelia, John, Paul and Alice had touched the jelly tots. We felt sick. but obviously Alice didnt.

I was worried for Alice, she was loosing it, she needed to get out of here. She seemed ok sitting right next to John on the sofa. OH MY GOD! SHE WAS BASICALLY SAT ON HIS LAP! She couldnt be? Could she? I saw their heads turn towards each others, then they move closer and.......


haha, cliffhanger muchh :L xx sorry

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