chapter elleven :)

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"DAD?" Ellie gasped. The man looking back at her in the car was her dad, he wasnt even rushing to get her away from the officer or to help her! She stood there mouth wide open, staring from her dad to the police man.

"Hello darling, surprise seeing you here! Every one had been looking for you for about a week now, now why would you go running away. Im going to have to teach you a lesson arent i. Now get inn the car, and your friend can come too. Do hurry now!" Replied Ellie's dad. What!? How could he be so calm about this, not cuddling her making sure she was safe in his arms now?! All he said was he needed to teach her a lesson. What could that mean?

We climbed into the back of the car, and just as we were about to leave, i shouted out; "What about Sophie! We cant leave her, especially with that police officer!" Ellie's dad turned and looked to me, he told me she'd be fine and he will ask the officer to take care of her while he tookus two somewhere safe.

"Excuse me officer? Would you mind if i took these two girls somewhere safe? She is my daughter, however i dont know the little girl sat in the back of your car, could you take care of her for us?" Asked Ellie's dad. The police officer nodded and waved goodbye to us once we had started our journey.

We had a silent trip for about 15 minutes untill we came up to a little cottage in the middle of no where. Ellie's dad led us into the cottage and told us to sit on the couch and wait. We did as we were told and waited patiently. Were we actually going to be saved? I thought.

Ellie's dad appeared in front of us and he took a seat in the armchair opposite us. The cottage looked tiny and poah, with snowglobes and ornaments placed above the fireplace. Pictures hung proudly on the wall, everything was so neat and put into place.

"Right, to teach you that lesson Ellie, you will have to do a list of chores and jobs i want you to do. You should know thats not the way i brought you up. And you Sarah, will have a list of chores and jobs to do aswell from your parents for running away. Understood?" He asked us.

Ellie desperately tried to explain what had happened and that we didnt run away and we wanted to get someplace safe, but he wouldnt let her speak. He handed us both a list each and he told us we had to complete the first 5 by lunchtime.

We stared at the list for a few minutes, reading them to our selves. My list went as follows;

1) Scrub the bathroom clean with a toothbrush.
2) Go to the neighbours house to collect something.
3) Go to the other neighbours house to collect something.
4) Clean out the chicken hutches in the back garden.
5) Prepare a salad for lunch for just Ellie's dad.

Oh god, better get started i though. Why was i being puniched for being kidnapped and tortured? I didnt understand.

I stood up and made my way the bathroom, but Ellie stayed put. I looked at her but she was frozen. I wondered what was on her list?

I started off cleaning the bath and sink, then moved onto the toilet and tiled walls. Then i mopped the floor and cleaned the windows and surfaces. DONE. Thank god. I looked at my list again to see what was second on the list, Go to the neighbours to collect something. Easy enough, right?......

Ellie finally decided to budge. She looked at her list again;

1) Stay in the front room untill i have finished with you.
2) Clean the kitchen top to bottom.
3) Go to neighbours to collect something.
4) Go to other neighbours to collect something.
5) Go to the cellar and find a long rope, a sharp knife, a chair and a pair of hedge trimmers.

What a weird bunch of chores and jobs, Ellie thought. She waited patiently when her father returned to the room, he told her to come and sit on his knee. And she did. He held down her arms and legs as he started to kiss her roughly....


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