Coast To Coast Chapter 3

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“Are you hungry” said Caden

And as if my stomach had heard what he said it started to rumble.

“Just a tad” I said embarrassingly. But apparently my stomach didn’t agree because it started to rumble again

He tried to stifle back a laugh but failed miserably and ended busting out laughing.

“It’s not that funny” I said giving him a “shut up” look. I remembered that this morning I didn’t even get to finish my breakfast because I ended up waking up late because last night I was up all night tossing and turning because I was nervous about the trip. And when I did finally fall asleep it was 3 AM in the morning!

Caden exited the freeway and the GPS system lead us toward the closest diner. We were right now on the outskirts of New York heading towards Pennsylvania. 

We had eaten some of the chips and candy that I got at the gas station but there is only so much junk food one can eat before they crave actual food.

Outside in bright neon colors stood the restaurant’s sign.

When we arrived to the diner Caden got out of the car first and then walked over to my side and opened the car door for me. He held out his hand and I took it.  Warmth spread thoughout me as his warm big hand made contract with my cold hand.

I frowned I little when Caden dropped my hand to open the door for us.

 As I stepped in the diner I was in awe. Amazing and colorful drawing of New Yok lined the walls of the diner.   To the left in a little corner was a juke box. And next to it was a dance floor where couples were dancing to the song playing on the juke box. I felt like I was stepping into the 80’s. The place was packed with couples and children eating and laughing. And the waitresses were dressed in short pink fluffy shirts with white button up t-shirts and ROLLERSKATES.

“It’s amazing” I said over to Caden. Who looked just as amazed as me.

“Yea, it is” he said while smiling.

Suddenly one of the waitresses came up to me and Caden.

She looked  to be in her middle-age and had one of the friendliest smiles I've ever seen. Her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail and she had on a pair rimmmed-thick glasses that were settled on the bridge of her nose.

“How are you guys tonight, my name is Mary and I will be your waitress tonight”

“We’re good” replied Caden

“Okay, well come on I’ll lead you guys to your booth”

We followed her to one of the booth in the back. Since all of the booth in the front were occupied.

Caden and I sat across from one another. 

“Here’s your menu’s, I’ll give you guys a moment to decide want you want” said Mary as she skated away to another tabble that called her over.

I opened my menu and skimmed though.

“Does anything appeal to you” I said to Caden.

“umm I don’t know”

“How about the hamburgers and fries” I said

“Yea that sounds good.”

“Man this place is amazing” he said while looking around at the paintings on the wall. I took another glace around me and was still amazed by the intercate work of the person or people that painted it. When i saw a  picture of the Golden Bridge for some reason for a moment a felt a little homesick. I mean I will for sure miss New York once i move to California. The only thing that had my decision a little better was that my best freind was moving with me out there.

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