Coast To Coast Chapter 7

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"please" I begged for what seemed like the hundredth time!

"no" said Caden while shaking his head

"Come on i promise to take really good care of it" I pouted hoping 

that I could make him change his mind

"your not touching my baby" he said while chuckling at my attempts to 

convince him to let me drive the car. He LOVED his car. I mean 

serioulsy he's a freak when it comes to his car.

"ugh fine I give up" I said throwing my hands up

In the air in a very exaggerated commotion

"don't be a brat" he said jokily ruffing my hair

"hey" I said while trying to pat my hair down.'i flipped the visualizer and 

looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was tried in up in a messy bun and I only had a touch of 

mascara and eyeliner. I was never a big fan of make-up anyways. I 

didn't want to look like those girls who put a pound of make-up on 

their faces and walk around looking like clowns.

I looked over at Caden and I could help but stare. He was just wear a   

plain t-shirt and dark blue jeans and yet he was still able to rock them and 

look like a greek god.

I leaned back on the seat and put my feet on the dashboard. Giving 

Caden I clear view of my legs. I had changed out of my jeans and into 

shorts because while Caden was driving someone cut him off, causing 

him to slam on his brake and I just so happen to be drinking water 

when that happened. I ended up spilling half the water bottle on my 


Caden kept stealing glances at my legs.  I could help but smile at his reaction. I played soccer while I was in  high school and it really helped keep my legs nice and toned.

"like what you see" I said teasingly

Caden just nodded. Turning his eyes back on the road but he kept on 

glancing back at them

I stifled back a laugh. I took my hair out of the bun and let my wavy auburn

hair flow down. And with my most innocent voice I tried to once again convince him to let me drive the car.

"can I please drive the car" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck

I could tell that it was working because his knuckles turned a whitish 

color from clutching the streeling wheel so tight. He was on the verge 

of giving in.

"please" I whispered in his ears

He took a deep breath and stuttered a a quick n-no

"your no fun" I said as I unwrapped my arms from his neck and leaned back in my seat

"and your such a tease" he shot back

I rolled my eyes at him. I leaned over to change the radio station.   

When I suddenly had a really strong urge to go to the bathroom

"Caden, how far are we from a truck stop or gas station?"

"well we just passed a station 10 miles back and the next truck stop 

isn't  another 15 miles, why?"

"great" I said bitterly. I really had to pee. I knew I shouldn't have 

drunken the entire water bottle

"you know I'm  really thirsty" he said smiling evilly at me. He grabbed 

his water bottle and started swishing it and made a big dramatic scene 

of him drinking water. Oh and he started to make peeing noise!

"shut up!" I smacked his arm and tried to cover my ears with my hands. 

I really had to go then but now I REALLY REALLY had to go!

"you know I could just pull over and  you could just  pee on the side 

of the road" he smirked at me

"EWW" I said as I made a disgusted face. For a moment I contiplated the idea  

But I quickly shoved those thoughts away. No way was I going to do 

that! I was grossed out just thinking about it!

Whatever you say" He said as he started to slow the car down.

As i looked looked head i realized we were struck in a traffic jam.

GREAT!  I thought sarcastically



Sorry for the late update :(

It's just that my computer charger broke and i had to order a new one :(

And then once I got it I was to sick to upload because I got food poisoning (BUMMER :(

but i'm starting to feel better now so i uploaded :)

(Sorry if it's a little boring)



PS: I would appreciate any advice on how to make the story better :)

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