Coast To Coast Chapter 2

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“The sign says that there is a gas station up the road “

“Finally” I breathed; we have been searching for a gas station for over the last 30 minutes because Cadan has always been the kind of driver that likes to procrastinate until the very last moment.

The needle was about an inch away from reaching empty

Once we arrived to the gas station I got out of the car and went straight to the little market leaving Caden behind to put gas in the car.

 If we were going to go on a road trip might as well make the most of it right?

I skimmed them the shelves and found some chips and sodas. I grabbed them and put them in a little basket. I decided to look for some candy so I went over to the next aisle. As I passed I found a mirror on the wall. My brown chestnut hair was tired up in a messy ponytail and I only had a light touch of mascara and eyeliner

“ugh I looked like crap”. I groaned internally

I had on baggy sweat and a t-shirt.  Definitely not attractive

There was no point in looking at the mirror anymore so I headed on to get the candy. Once I got all the junk food that I could possibly crave, I went over to the cash register and got in line to pay. It was mid day so there were only a little bit of people in the store

As i got closer i noticed that the cashier was I really cute guy. He had dirty blond hair and the most amazing blue eyes that I have ever seen. The total opposite from Caden’s brown skater boy hair and hazel green eyes

“Hey did you find everything all right” he said smiling to me. Was it even possible to get hotter just by the sound of your voice becuase he sure did.

“yea, anything I could possibly want. I said

He started grabbing the junk food from the basket and started scanning them

“So I guess you have a sweet tooth huh”

“Yea I bet my dentist will sure enjoy this” I said smiling at him

He chuckled and I couldn’t help but blush. He definitely was the kind of guy I would be interested in. And it’s been a long time since I have been interested in another guy.

 “So what’s your name” he asked

“It’s Emma”

“Emma” I even loved how my name sounded coming from his lips

“huh It’s gorgeous just like you” he said

By that comment I was sure I turned as red as a tomato.

“Umm thanks” I responded akwardly.

“So how much is the total” I said glancing down.

The moment I said those words I quickly regretted them. Instead, of saying something flirty and cute I made it seem like I wasn’t interested

“oh right” he said looking at the screen.

“the total is 35.87”

I pulled out two crumbled up twenty dollar bills from my pocket and handed them over to him. Our hands brush for a quick second but instead of feeling fireworks, I felt nothing.

Unlike when Caden touched me I felt a fire was burning inside of me.

He handed me back my change. And said” Can i call you sometime ?”

Before I could respond Caden appeared beside me and put a hand around my shoulders protectively and glared at the guy in front of me.

"Babe is this guy bothering you?”

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