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Roxanna Pov_________________________
Yep I Roxanna Accachalla am a teenager. A Accachalla teenager. Yep. I'm a Accachalla. And for some weird reason proud of it! It's my birthday. We just had the cake and celebrated. I wasn't into big parties. "Hey Roxanna!" Scarlet says. She stares up the tree smiling. Her brownish red hair was tied into a pony tail. "SCARLET!" Reid screams running outside. I immediately start climbing up higher into the tree I was in to avoid the sibling rivalry. "YOU TOOK IT!" Reid yells. "Took what?" Scarlet asks totally troll faced. "She took whatever your yelling about she's so troll faced." Jason tells Reid. He joins me in the tree. "Give it Scarlet!" Reid screams. "Give what?" Billy asks coming outside. "Daddy Reid's-" "Give back whatever you took from him Scarlet." Maddie says. Scarlet sights and gives her brother a slip of paper. "BY THE WAY REID'S GOTTA GIRLFRIEND!" She yells then takes off. "Reid's gotta what now?" I ask jumping down. "She's not my girlfriend." He mumbles. "YEAH YOU JUST STALKED HER UNTIL SHE AGREED TO GO OUT WITH YOU!" Scarlet yells. Reid goes to say something when I hear something very familiar. It's probably been years since I hear the words but they were as clear as day.
It was followed by Scarlets bloody murder scream...

The sequel. *screams while giving out waffles.* I hope your enjoying so far I'm very happy about the sequel! *Screams*
Btw if you want to be in this story I need a girl to volunteer to be Reid's lady friend. And to put up with some serious crap because Alex in the previous story was another person's character (Gracie_13_). But I just need some of the basics I'm pretty sure you know what they are if not please ask others in the comments because I'm tired today. The only person who can notj participate is AmyTheAdventurer. I'm not depriving her from being in the story the reasons why I forbid it is comprised between the two of us. Amy message me and I'll tell you why. And I will only take people who write their character in the comments so just to let you know if you message me about your character I will not add you. You have to add her in the comments. Okay? Listen four hundred words in three two one zero now.

Roxanna Accachalla Sequel To The Accachalla's New ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now