Chapter 9: Back Door Wheatley

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She was crying for me? I was so confused. I knew she liked me, but she actually cried because she doesn't want me in space. I went back into my thoughts again while Chell lay against the the couch, with me in her lap trying to cheer her up. Eventually, she stopped. "Are you alright, dear?"

*How could she do that to you?* She scribbled quickly, faster than I can talk.

At first I was confused, still trying to live in the present. "You mean her?"

*Of course, I mean GLaDOS.*

To be honest I didn't know where this was going, but if it's going where I think it might be going, we're going to get in a lot of trouble.

*We're going back.*

"N-no! I'm not going back there! She's- she tried to abandon me in space!" You could hear the fear in my voice.

*That's just it. She tried to burn me alive, kill me with neurotoxin, shoot me with rockets, and tried to force me to do tests for 60 years. And then she tries to kick you out into space forever?*

She was starting to make sense now. I still didn't want to go back, but at the same time I wanted my revenge. "Okay, the 'space' incident, I deserved, I'll admit that."

*Forever? You deserved to be in space forever, alone with space?*

"Okay, alright. I'll-I'll stop trying to fight it. You're the boss, we can go if you really want to. But does it have to be today? I mean can't today be for like-like a preparation day or something?"

*Sure, what do we need?*

"Uhmmm... The portal gun! We'll definitely need that. The umm.. What else do we have here?" I didn't think she really had much, just the portal gun, really.

*We'll just take the gun.*

"Alright, if we're gonna do this, we're gonna want a plan. I suggest we go in through the same way all test subjects do. Or the 'Back Door' as I like to call it. Now should we do what we did last time and shut down her turret production line and kill the neurotoxin generator? Or maybe we could just walk up to her and corrupt her, it's your choice.

*I have an idea.* She seemed pretty confident, she had the look of determination on her face.

"Well, go on, tell me."

*Were you there when I destroyed her the first time?*

"No I wasn't, actually. There were no monitoring rooms in that part of the facility."

*Well I used 4 corrupted cores, but the thing is, I detached them and burned them, but that's what destroyed her, not help her.*

I was so confused. How would burning the corrupted cores destroy her? Unless... Then I came to a sudden realization.

"I've got it! If the corrupted cores were helping her, then GLaDOS was corrupt already, but that must've been the way she was built. So if she was already corrupt, then that means by doing that, you just made her more stabilised as a supercomputer! What were the cores that you incinerated?"

*One core was a velvet purple and it was silent, one was just asking a bunch of questions, one just growled and snarled, and the other have me fake cake recipes.*

"Hm. Cake recipes, typical, for Aperture. But those cores were Morality, Curiosity, Cakemix, and And anger. Those are what make GLaDOS herself, but they must've gotten corrupt and changed her, except for morality, we cant give her that one, that'll only help. So if we can get to the incinerator room, maybe we could put them back onto her when we find her."

*Can we skip Cakemix? That's what makes her trick us with the oldest saying in the book.*

"Sorry, dear, but we're going to need to corrupt her as much as we can. It won't matter anyway, because if it works she'll be old news. But what if they're already all burnt up?"

*Then your name isn't Back Door Wheatley.*

Chelley ~ Tranquility IgnoramusWhere stories live. Discover now