Rebels » Chapter Seven

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Copyright © 2015 by azureblisss


I sat up from my bed and unplugged the earphones from my ear. "I'm coming!" I quickly stood up and checked myself in the mirror. Geez, my hair looks like a storm. Grabbing a brush from the vanity, I quickly combed my hair.

"Rory get your little butt right here right now!"

"I'm coming, idiot!" I yelled at my twin. It's the same usual stuff. My twin brother and I usually yells at each other. For instance, on meals, he commands me to pass the food, and if I didn't listen, he'd yell. Even our fourteen-year-old sister had to cover her ears. Oh, I love my family.

I quickly put on my sweatshirt and walked out from my room, with my pajama shorts on. Call me weird and I don't care.


I ran down the stairs as fast as I can. What could be so important that Ashton had to yell at me loudly, and repeatedly. For a second, I see my Dad in his personality. Reaching the last step on the stairs, I turned to him with an annoyed look on my face. "Ashton, what are yo-"

However, my sentence didn't finish when I saw Hayden beside him standing on the front door. What's wrong with him and surprises nowadays?


"Hey," was his reply, with a small wave.

I cleared my throat before giving a death glare to Ashton. He gave me his innocent look. I walked up to him and grabbed him hardly by the arm and mouthed 'sorry' to Hayden. I led Ashton to the kitchen and released my grip on him.

"Wow, Rory. I never thought you had connections with some man. Especially this guy," he pointed at the living room where Hayden was. "How did you even met him? Damn, I never thought you're the star of this star."

I stared at him angrily. "Why did you let him in? Why is he here?"

"First things first," he started. "I should be the one asking you that question. Why is he even here?"

"I was asking you first."

"No, you specifically are hiding something from me. And for your information, you didn't answer my question in the first place."

"But my question is more important than yours so, you're the one who didn't answer."

"Ever heard of 'first things first'?"

"Ever heard of 'important'?"

"Well, ever heard of 'get over it and answer my question'?"

"But did you ever heard of-"

"Guys, bickering won't get you anywhere," a voice suddenly pops in. Both of our heads snapped in the direction of Amanda, leaning on the doorframe, crossing both of her hands. Amanda was our youngest, fourteen-year-old at its finest. Out of the Johnson siblings, Amanda was our perfectionist. By perfectionist, I meant spoiled. But deep down, she can be a generous sister sometimes. Believe it or not, me and Amanda are close. Ashton, well, close too, but he's a college student dude. No time.

"Oh, I see you've arrived." Ashton said.

She gave him a 'duh' look as she took water from the fridge. "Practice's not long, you fool."

"Cheerleading's done then?" I piped up into the conversation.

"Yeah, and by the way, I heard about the news." She replied, but this time, she's referring to me.


"Don't you dare give me that answer. Everybody knows, everybody in the school knows."

Damn it. I totally forgot that she's studying the same school with me. This week has been hectic for me, and lately I've been forgetting things. I'm pretty sure I forgot my Math project. Crap.

"I know it too!" Ashton suddenly said.

"What?" I said. "Who told you?"

"Kyle did." Of course, Kyle. The cousin.

"So, does that explains the reason why Hayden has been standing there for a million years?" Amanda pointed at the living room.

"Holy crap, I totally forgot about him." Ashton said. In a swift movement, he ran out of the kitchen. And then there were two.

Amazed by how fast Ashton is panicking when it comes to visitors, Amanda and I started laughing. Suddenly, our laughing fit's stopped when Ashton's head popped in the kitchen's doorframe.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing." I told him. "Now go live a life."

He gave us confused looks before walking out the kitchen. Two seconds later, he walked back in, and turned to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you supposed to entertain your visitor?" He said.


Amanda gasped. "Why so rude all of a sudden, Rory? You on your period? He's your boyfriend for God's sake."

"He's not my boyfriend." I suddenly spilled it out. Ashton stared at me, surprised while Amanda had her mouth open.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said, again.

This is funny, quite actually. To be honest, I found their reactions funny. Both of them were staring at me and I can't help but giggle.

"Hey Rory, can I talk to you for a second?"

The three of us whipped our head to the right, only to see Hayden, giving me an angry look. And what did I do this time?

"Excuse me." I said, walking towards Hayden. Without hesitation, he grabbed my arm and led me to the living room. I can instantly sense Ashton and Amanda watching us from behind.

Once we arrived, he let go of my arm. "What did you do?" He said.

"I didn't do anything." I replied.

"Oh really? And what's that thing you said to them over there?"

"What did I say?"

"Don't give me that look, I know what you said. You've been denying our relationship in front of them," he spat at me, angrily.

"Why? Do you have the right to own me? You don't even control me nor my life. They are my family. Is it so wrong to trust my own family?"

He rubbed his temples and growled (more like an annoyed growl). "Yes!"

I stared at him in disbelief. "I can't believe you."

He gave me an annoyed look. "Then don't. Easy."

"No, Hayden. You were saying all these things without telling me first. How are we suppose to work this out if we can't have trust?"

"Trust? Trust? Is that all you want? I trusted you enough but you keep on dodging it. Now who's the trustable one?"

"I-uhh . . . I . . ." I've never been speechless before. But looking back at the days, I noticed how Hayden kept on telling me to not expose the secret, and yet I disobeyed. I never even did expose it but before realizing it, I badly wanted to. He even propose to me as his girlfriend for him to trust me.

"See? The only one who's been hard headed's not just me, but most of you," he said. "I'm doing it my way, Rory. With or without you. My credibility of you has faded." He cleared his throat and glanced at the side, where Ashton and Amanda's heads are popping. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I enjoyed the stay. Have a good night." Was the last thing he said before walking out the door.

Sure enough, those two eavesdropping siblings of mine were giving me disapproving looks. Yeah, can't wait for the lecture.

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Here's an early update cuz I'm in a happy mood. Actually, our class just won the volleyball. Hooray for our class! Fuck yeah. To all hopeless dreamers, the victory rope's not short, all you have to do is to reach for it. Words of Wisdom by me, BOOM.

Lastly, don't forget to Vote, Comment & Share!


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