Rebels » Chapter Nine

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Copyright © 2015 by azureblisss

"Miss Johnson!"

I lifted my head upwards from my comfortable arms, only to see Mr. Dunkley stand before me. "Yes?" I told him. I know it sounds rude but who gives a care.

"Are you sleeping in my class again?" He asked me with that stern look on his face. Mr. Dunkley was a bald short man with that eyeglasses on his face. He was one of those teachers that gives an assignments every Friday when the school has a rule about no assignments every Friday. Fucking great teacher, I tell you.

"No?" It sounded like more than a question than an answer. The whole class erupted in laughter at my response.

"And is it right to sleep in my class?" He asked me.


"And do you have the privilege to?"


"Then why are you violating the rules?!" He slammed his hands on my desk. That gave me a jump, might I add.

"Can't I fucking sleep? They said school is our second home, then why can't we sleep?" The class snickered at my comeback.

"Because we are your second parents, and you don't have the right to." He told me with an evil glare. Yuck, those glasses of his needs to be cleaned.


"Save your comebacks in detention." Mr. Dunkley said harshly. The students behind me gave me some sickening looks. My heart skipped a beat as Mr. Dunkley took out a detention slip from his pocket and began scribbling away.


"Miss Johnson, if you don't leave my class at this moment, I will report you to the Dean."

No. This can't be happening.

"What are you waiting for? Stand up!"

And so I did. With shaky hands, I took the slip from his hand and gathered all of my stuff and stood up from my seat. The the sickening looks the students gave me made me feel humiliated, and I am. I left the room without hesitation and headed straight towards the room I was meant to be in.

I hate detentions. I really do.

Why? First of all, I had detention once and it sucks. Really sucks. Big time. Secondly, I promised myself this year I won't get one, but I broke it. Promises are really meant to be broken. And lastly, when I stepped in the room, I came face-to-face with the person I wanted to see.

"Ah! Naughty little Rory . . . " he said. "Got in to detention, I see. Did you do something bad like, spilling the beans like you always do?"

"You know what, Hayden? Shut up. Just shut up." I told him as I took my seat. I took a glance at the watcher but it seems like he was enjoying his slumber. Better not to wake the bear before all hell breaks loose.

"Hmm, what gives?" He asked as he took the seat beside me. Seriously? Beside me? Out of all the empty seats in the room but beside me? Explains why he's retarded.

"I thought we weren't supposed to talk to each other," these words came out of my mouth before I could even think of it.

He gave me an odd look before saying, "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I overreacted, and if I was in your point of view, I completely understand to trust your family. Forgive me?"

I studied his face clearly. He gave me one of those puppy eye looks that made me wanted to vomit. Maybe I should vomit, on his face. Yeah, that's a great idea.

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