Rebels » Chapter Four

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This chapter has been made on my phone so, point out the mistakes.

Copyright © 2015 by azureblisss

"No." I said simply, as I started walking away from him. Who does he think I am? A walking one night stand? Hell no! Unfortunately, because God hates my existence, Hayden grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the door.

"What the hell?" I said to him.

"I should be the one asking you that question. Why the hell are you walking out on me?" he said. I almost rolled my eyes at his immature behavior.

Walking out, my ass. "Hayden, are you on drugs?" I asked him. Maybe drugs could be the reason why he's acting like an immature, demanding kid. Maybe drugs could be the reason why he's the notorious playboy. Maybe drugs could be the reason why he's asking to me be his girlfriend. And by just thinking out loud the word 'girlfriend', I cringed. There's no way I can be his girlfriend, and there's no way that it will happen to the future.

"No!" he said, but I hardly believe him.

"Hayden, you are one sick kid," was the last thing I said before opening the door. "And by the way, my answer's still no."

Again, he grabbed my arm, yanked me away from the door, and closed it. What the fuck is this kid's problem? I said no, is he deaf? Huh, no wonder why.

I then succesfully struggled out of the grip that Hayden was causing me. "Geez, dude. I said no, no need to be harsh."

"Harsh? HARSH? Well, what the hell do you want me to do, make a sweet proposal to you? Give you flowers?" He said, in an authorative tone and nearly scared the hell out of me.

I rubbed my fingers around my temple. "Hayden, I ask you again, what the fuck are you doing?"

"You already heard my proposal, I don't need to repeat it."

"And do you think I'll accept that easily? Grow up, Hayden!"

"I'm doing it for the good. There's no denying it."

I laughed at the word 'good'. "Good? GOOD? Do you seriously think this is good when it's not for me?" I told him, angrily.

"Just say yes, will you? One simple yes!"

I gave him a flat look that says 'No'. "And why do you think I'd say that?"

"Because . . . Because . . . " he was out of words, and I took it as my chance to escape. Unfortunately (again), he grabbed my arm and said, "Because it's for the good, alright? Now say yes."

I looked at him flatly. Seriously? Does he even understand what the word 'no' is? Suddenly, a very thoughtful idea popped in my head. If this was a cartoon right now, a flashing lightbulb would be currently floating above my head.

"I bet you don't even know my name." I told him. He looked surprised at my sudden response, but then got used to it.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't know my name, do you?"

No response. Good.

"Alright then, I'll say yes."

His face lit up. "You sure?"

I nod my head.

His smile got even wider than I anticipated. "Thank God, I can finally get out of here. We have a meeting on Monday, with my dad." He said, walking away from me. But I blocked his way, receiving an annoyed look from him. "What?" he said, annoyed.

"Nuh uh uh," I waved my finger at him, in a childish way. "Let me finish. I'll say yes," I gave him my michievous smile. "Right after you answer my question correctly."

His face went from ecstatically happy to blank.

"Are you messing with me?" he said, looking unconvinced. I shook my head. He gave me one of the deadliest glare a man could ever had, and it didn't scared me to death, since I'm the one here who's challenging him in a very unchallenging manner. God, I suck at these type of things.

"You have ten seconds to answer." I blurted out, due to getting impatient. In which I received an even more deadlier look by Hayden. Ignoring it, I started counting. "Ten . . . Nine . . . "

"Wait! Your name's Chloe!" he said. I shook my head. "Oh wait, wrong girl." he said, chuckling. Where did the name Chloe come from anyway? One of his flings. Just by the thought of that, I cringed. Gross.

I counted again. "Eight . . . Seven . . . "

"Wait! Give me a time to think!" he retorted.

"Fine." I said, giving up. Not technically giving up, also because he doesn't know my name at all.

He rubbed his temples and said, "I clearly know your name, it just slipped out of my brain."

"Uh huh." I agree, unconvinced. "Whatever you say, Hayden."

He glared at me again. Alright, what's up with the glaring?

So, to annoy him as much as I wanted him to be, I continued counting. "Six . . . Five . . . "


I shook my head. "Four . . . "


"Three . . . "


"Two . . . "

"Wait! Is it Ro . . . Ro . . . Ro . . . " Okay, now that made me nervous. "Roxanne!"

I nearly breathed out a sigh of relief, before saying the last number. "One."

"Shit!" he cussed at me. "Screw this thing, alright? Just be my girlfriend already!"

Dude, what's the rush? "Hayden, you lost. Accept that. I will never ever date you. Accept that. And if you don't stop forcing me to date your right now, I swear, you do not want to see afterlife." I told him. "Besides, why do you badly want me to be my girlfriend anyways? It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? This is a huge fat 'big deal'!" he half-yelled at me. "The company's reputation is failing, and my dad is forcing me to date somebody. And I don't have any choices but you!"

This took me off-guard. "What about your sluts?" I asked him. "Why me? What about them?"

He sighed. "If I choose them, they won't stop clinging on to me, and mind you, they're annoying. Now, be my girlfriend."

Even though he is having a rough time, I still can't accept the fact that I will be his girfriend. I can't even imagine myself in a relationship. If I was, I am 100% sure that the guy will dump me.

"Please?" he said.

It is unbelievable to think that Hayden King is begging. To me, by the way. Wow, what are the odds. Though it warmed my heart to see him begging at me, I still am not ready to date yet.

So, I came back with a harsh reply. "You should deal with your own problems, Hayden." And I walked out of the room.

"You won't get away with this!" was the last thing I heard from him after I was a few steps away from the room.

♚ ♛ ♚ ♛ ♚ ♛ ♚ ♛ ♚ ♛

Short chapter, I know.

Late update, I know.

School is hard, I know.

Anyways, not really an author's note type of a girl, but I think that's it for today. Not forcing you but,

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P.S. This chapter is NOT edited. Point out the mistakes, please.

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