Chapter 4: Sorry, but I'm not sorry

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After my little outburst no one said anything, and truthfully that's how I preferred it. I didn't come here to make friends...if I just so happen to make some on the way then that's cool, but if I don't then hey! The bell rung for 2nd period I watched as kids bum rushed out the room while I walked slowly to the drama class room. After getting lost a couple times and having a very friendly girl show me it, I came face to face with another set of strangers. Why is that when you come into a classroom people look at you like you killed someone? That is a question I would LOVE for someone to answer. I introduced myself yet again lazily then took my seat in the back. I'm really not THAT pressed about the project the teacher currently have us doing . We had to pick partners and a skit to perform by Thursday. I rolled my eyes sticking my head phones in my ears playing A$AP, I love him! Long live A$AP:). As I was blasting my music the girl I got smart with in 1st period walked over to me.

"Uhhh" she dragged the word out

"Yes" I snatched my head phones out looking up at her rather tall frame

"What you said earlier wasn't called for" she said

I HAD to laugh, woo girl. "Right and you mugging my life down wasn't called for. Girl be hone" I chuckled again.

"Look you don't know me and I don't know you! Stay out my way...girl" she flipped her long red weave over her shoulder rolling her eyes. 1st thought kill her, 2nd thought how I'm gone get away with it.

"Yet your still standing here, have several seats" I replied getting hella annoyed. Like okay you said what you had to say, why are you still here? She mugged me again storming off. So not with the drama. I turned my music back up banging A$AP....until this girl started talking to me. Like don't you think if I had my ear phones I'm not trying to have a conversation with you? I huffed and just cut my music off all together.

"I'm sorry, I'm all yours" I gave the poor girl my attention

She asked if we could be partners, I quickly agreed and we picked a skit from mean girls. My favorite movie. Every once in a while ole girl would stair at me, like what's good?!

"What's her deal?" I asked my partner which I soon learned her name was kristen.

"I don't know. She's really popular and don't like new people" she said

"Why?" I asked that's stupid.

"Because she feels like their going to take her spot... or man" kristen said

"Who's her man?" I asked

"Breezy" she said.

Breezy? The hell is a breezy?

"Oh" I mumbled lowly getting an incoming call from ryan. A over grown smile formed on my face as I answered.

"Hello" I said blushing

"Hey ma. How's your first day?" He asked

"People OD rude here" I said loudly making ole girl look at me causing Kristen to laugh and mug her.

"Well you chill, cause I know you" he said knowingly

"Know what?" I asked stupidly

"How you are. No fighting Jhene" he said like he was my pops or something

"And who are you?" I asked

"Don't start Jhene" he said annoyed

"I'll be back" I mumbled to Kristen walking out the classroom

"Start what Ryan, please in lighten me on what I always start." I said coldly into the transmitter of the phone. He kissed his teeth loudly. I swear that's gonna be the death of him. He always does that. God how I hate when he does that.

"You always wanna fight. And you fight the hardest when you wrong, so give it up babygirl." He said I rolled my eyes that's not true....well not all of it.

"NO correction I fight the hardest when I'm passionate about something" I said walking down the hall. I really don't know where I'm going, but I hate being still for too long.

"True. But you can't fight everybody shorty." He said. He was right but I wouldn't tell him that.

"Any way aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked a more important question

"Naw" he mumbled lowly

"And why is that O'ryan Swin?" I asked turning down a hall

"I got suspended" he said

"You got to be kidding me son, you tell me not to be fighting mean while you suspended for fighting smart move ryan smart." I shook my head. This kid got some nerve.

"How you know I was fighting Jhene?" He asked smartly

"Cause you weren't my boyfriends for 3 years Ryan?" I asked him awaiting my answer, which I know he's not going to give.

"That's what I thought bye" I hung up smacking clean into some ones back

I looked up at they guy, it was that 'brown' character from class. He kissed his lips. OMG I hate when people do that. "Watch where your going Jhene" he said annoyed

Dang I didn't even do nothing to him...but on the other hand I'm glad he knows my name.

"My bad dang" I mugged him looking around at his friends

He chuckled lowly like I was Kenvin Hart or something. "Kill the attitude" he said shocking me

"Didn't know I had one" I mumbled crossing my arms

"It's written all over your face Jhene" he pointed out smirking

"Yeah whatever!" I mumbled annoyed at the fact that he just called my bluff

"You not gonna say sorry for bumping into me" he asked smiling

"No!" I rolled my eyes

"Why so rude?" He laughed

"Forget you brown" I said calling him by his last name being that I don't know his first

He only laughed in my face. "Just say sorry" he smiled

"Sorry, but I'm not sorry!" I smirked turning around

I heard his loud OD laugh fill my ears "Ard New York" he sent me a smile....that I gladly return.

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