Chapter 9: Hypothetically

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Jhene and I walked up stairs to the food court to subway.

"Get whatever you want." I told her stepping back letting her order

Once done I ordered mine and paid for our food. We sat by a nearby table .

"So Christopher tell me about yourself beside you have really bad taste in woman." She said making her eyebrows go up and a good laugh to leave my mouth.

"Uh good one Aiko, good one. But um I'm from VA. That's gotta count for something right?" I asked doing my eyebrows as such she did

"Yeah I guess. It ain't better than New York, but it counts for something." She smiled with her pretty pink lips

"What about you New York any brothers and sisters?" I asked opening my bag of chips .

"Nope only child" she wiped her mouth

"Okay. I wish I was." I thought about it

"No you don't it's lame. What do you have a little sister?" She asked

"No brother" I mumbled

"Aw how old" she asked too happy for me

"13" I said

"Aw I remember when I was 13, I used to be so good" she said

"What happened?" I laughed

"Shut up brown I'm not bad!" She rolled her eyes

"Keep doing that and watch they get stuck" I laughed again

"Shut up" she mugged me

"You know when you mug people you look less attractive" I told her A1

"You know when you're not being a butt you're more attractive" she statted smartly

"Oh so you think I'm attractive?" I asked with an eyebrow raised

"You cute." She answered turning red

"Thank you baby. I think you fine." I grabbed her hand rubbing my thumb along her pretty little hand.

She shook her head blushing OD hard

"What if I told you that I'm feeling this new girl. She's hella cool and chill. What if I said that I find her beautiful and I've only known her for a day.....hypothetically of course." I smiled at her

She blushed again "What if I told you That I'm feeling this guy too, he's sweet and makes me forget about all the crapy things I have going on in my life. And he doesn't put up with my smart mouth.....hypothetically of course" she replied back

"I think they should talk." I said back

I looked at her for my answer although I know my answer.


I stared at Chris for what seemed like for ever. Talk? I don't know. I bit the inside of my cheek thinking long and hard. I finally came to terms that we are two young adults that are friends that can handle being friends right? Right.

I nodded my head slowly . "Yes we can friends" I informed him

"Why as friends ?" He asked making his nose flare making notice his nose his piercing

"Because hypothetically you're involved with someone." I told him picking up my drink .

He shook his head "I ain't with nobody Jhene! How many times do I have to keep telling you?" He threw questions at me.

"Until I feel like it's true. Look Chris you can tell me every second of the day that you aren't with Robyn , but I am a girl and I know there were something going on between y'all that she's not over....and neither are you." I told him truthfully

He tightened his jaw dropping his hand from mine. "I don't know how many times I gotta tell you Jhene!" He repeated slowly

"Chris I understand I swear I do, but I don't want to get involved with you until I know for sure you're over her. And as much as I don't like her. I know what it's like to love someone that doesn't return the favor." I spoke thinking of Ryan . He did that a lot to me, and let me tell you it's an awful feeling.

He grabbed my hand back rubbing it in small circles "I would never do that to you" he spoke softly

"I know and the only way you can show me that you won't do it to me is not doing it to her....Robyn doesn't deserve it. No woman or man for that matter deserves it. So if you're serious about us talking. Then tell her Chris." I told him. I'm a lot of things, but I know what it's like to be heart broken. I'm not heartless.

He nodded "You got it babe" he smiled with a dimple deep

"You're so silly." I laughed

"Sooo does that mean we talk or not?" He asked...again

"Chris!" I said

"Naw I'm asking cause I don't want nobody trying to get with you." He replied

"We ain't together . I'm single as a pringle!" I danced in my seat

"See you play too much!" He replied

"Ok ok I was only kidding brown" I laughed

"For real Jhene!" He said

"Okay I'm only talking to you, and you better be only talking to me" I pointed

"That's all I ask." He smiled

"Bet!" I smiled back at him


I dumped all my shopping bags on my bed kicking my shoes off , releasing my hair from the tight bun it was held in. Chris tired me out. After talking about an "us" we shopped some more and he insisted I help him get his moms something for her birthday. Then we went to the movies. I was past sleepy. I grabbed a towel and a fresh pair of undies heading into the bathroom to take a long over do shower. I turned the tub handle to the left and put it on shower waiting for it to get hot while I undressed. I put my dirty clothes into the dirty clothes bin and stepped into the hot shower. I washed 5 times and washed my head then ended my hour long cleaning session. I let the water out and grabbed my towel drying off, I went to my room. I put my underwear and bra on drying my hair with the towel now. As I was looming for something to wear my phone rung. I thought it would be Ryan , but it was Chris. A huge smile spread across my lips as I answered.

"Hello." I cooed into the phone

"Wassup baby" he said sexy into the phone

"Hello Christopher." I giggled getting some sweat pants out to put on along with a tank.

"What you doing?" He asked

"I just got out the shower." I informed him

"Oh smelling like strawberries " he laughed lightly

"Nope smelling like cotton candy" I corrected him

"Oh my bad shawty" he replied

"Oh whatever! What are you doing.?" I asked heading down the stares to get a snack. Dad was passed out in his room.

"Work" he mumbled making me pull the phone away from my ear to look at the time. "Work? At 11:36 Chris?" I questioned . How dumb do I really seem?

"Yeah work. It's nothing big" he said making me laugh

"Nothing big? You must sell or deliver pizza working this late..on a Monday" I told him grabbing a pack of cookies and going back up to my room

"You will know in dues time. But until then let's get to know each other." He said lowly into the phone.

"Fair enough" I replied sitting Indian style with a pillow in my lap eating my cookies talking to Chris. Every so often he would make me laugh so loud that I would have to check to see it my pops were up.

This could be a start to a beautiful relationship. One that I'm here for.

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