14: 3:16 part one

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•Selling your soul (verb) A deal with the Devil or pact with the Devil is a cultural motif.

•Motif (noun) A distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition.



I stared at her, I mean really looked at her. I could see the pain in her eyes from how the stress line decorated her for head, and lines under her eyes claimed their place.

But nonetheless she was still beautiful.

"Say something Chris. You're starting to make me feel worst." She turn towards me.

"I don't know what to say or how to feel." I said honestly

She shook her head "I knew I shouldn't have told you." She wiped her face while more tears made there way down her face.

"Just because I don't know what to say doesn't mean I feel any different about you." I gently grabbed her elbow.

"It doesn't even matter, just take me home." She yanked her arm away from me turning to face the window.

"Come on Jhene don't be like that." I said

"I said drive me home." She snapped looking at me over her shoulder.

"We can't even talk? You over reacting!" I yelled it was starting to really piss me off.

"I said NOW! I don't care what you think is over reacting I just told you my biggest deepest secret and all you can do is look at me! So am I over reacting? No you just don't know how to damn act. So yes take me home NOW CHRISTOPHER!" She spat with so much venom seeping out each word, her words were so sharp they could cut.

I was tired of being nice though, I was tired of always being understanding because I always finished last.

"Why isn't the car moving? Let's go." She snapped her finger. Unbuckling my seat belt and hers I snatched the keys out.

"Get out." I mumbled

"What? No I ain't getting out I said-"


She looked at me for a total of 3 seconds before getting out and slamming the car door.

"Come here." I mumbled

"No Chris can we please-"

"Come HERE!" I cut her off again, bring her self to me I gripped her arm walking past the food stan down stairs where there was nothing but trees.

"Go ahead." I pushed her forward by the small of her back. Doing as told she went int the forest first taking her phone out for light.

"Why are we here? I told you to take me home." She said stopping

"Keep going and stop asking questions." I mumbled walking behind her careful of my step. We walked until I felt we were in the right place.

"We can stop." I said wrapping my arms around her waist so she could stop and be aware of her surrounds.

Going to my flash light app I turned it on sitting my phone on a fallen tree branch. Doing as I did she went to her flash light app creating more light. Her face shinned in the dim light as she looked around the forest were most of the trees were rather cut down or fell down from natural causes.

"Chris?" She said lowly rubbing her arms

"Huh?" I mumbled looking around myself, it's been a while since I been here.

"Why are we here?" She asked calmly

"You told me about your deepest secret well I'm about to tell you mine." I mumbled taking off my jacket giving it to her, she still had on a half shirt and skirt from the party and it was kinda chilly out.

"I want you to know everything about me and not judge me just like I want to know everything about you and never judge you." I rubbed her cheek with my thumb. It was the truth, there's a lot that Jhene doesn't know but I was willing to change that if we wanted a long lasting relationship, so I was ready to spill all the beans starting with this one.


"On the other side of here is a cliff. There use to be a trail here before they tore some of the trees down, me and my pops use to take it like every Saturday. It was...a way to get away from mama and her cookie making self." He smiled for the first time in a couple hours causing me to do so too

"Whenever we were up here my dad would always look over the cliff wondering where it led to or what was really down their." He said walking backwards until he sat on top of the branch next to our phones pulling me into his lap.

"But I was never really interested. I just thought it was cool around here." He said looking around

"How old were you?" I asked lowly

"About 13." He sighed

"But uh there was a lot of things my dad was going through that my mom and I didn't know about. But..but it was so obvious that he wasn't happy. Often he would just flip out for no reason and me and my moms never understood why but we just knew he wasn't in his right mind set." He said looking down at the ground as his thumb gazed my tiny wrist back and fourth.

Hearing him talking about this made me feel like my problem were minor because he was dealing with not knowing what was wrong with his pops but still smiled and made everyone around him fall in love with him.

"One day mom got really sick and we couldn't pay for the medical bills. Mom was in the hospital for a week and dad was loosing it. One day he took me up here for a talk. I remember I was so annoyed because he was acting crazy! The whole time mom was sick he would forget little stuff like cooking dinner or picking me up. But he took me up here on a Saturday and sat me down. Telling me how much he loved me and mom and how he wish he could stay but he just couldn't! And I didn't understand I was so damn mad. I was yelling at him telling him how much of a dead beat he was for about to walk out on me and moms. As I was yelling he walked towards the edge of the cliff turning around smiling at me. The last words he said to was I love you son I hope you be better than I was. And just like that his body fell back slowly." Chris said as tears spilled out his eyes like mine were earlier tonight.

"Shhhh baby." I placed his head on my chest rubbing his back in circles rocking us side to side

"I never understood Jhene! I didn't even know that my own dad was really insane." He cried harder

"He was showing all the signs and I was so busy not paying attention that I watched my own old man kill himself." He whined. I felt beyond hurt and worthless because there was nothing I could do.

"There was nothing you could have honestly done Chris." I said lowly kissing his head repeatedly

"I know, I know. For a while I wouldn't eat, sleep or talk. I had thoughts about killing myself. But you know what helped me?" He asked wiping his face but still laid on my chest

"What?" I asked resting my chin on top of his curly head of hair.

"Him. My moms. My friends. God." He said

"God kept me here. Killing your self is a sin, believe it or not you're going to hell for it and I couldn't do that to myself, and to my moms, and to my friends. I couldn't be selfish like he did." He said and everything made scene to me.

"So I know you feel like no one here for you, but I am. I don't know what you're going through but that's gonna change today right now." He said looking up at me

"I...I don't want you to think of me any less." I said

"I'm not. I couldn't never. Who am I to judge?" He asked

"Promise." I asked

"On my life." He leaned up to kiss me

He pulled away grabbing my face softly looking at my eyes

"Take your time." He smiled

"Well it was about 4 weeks ago when my mom died." I began to tell my life.

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