Linger Glance

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I don’t like you anymore, I say,
I’ve moved on, I’ve gone away.
But no matter how I try to prove,
My heart just aches; it cannot move.

I want to unlove, let feelings fade,
Convince myself it's just charade.
Yet each day comes, they reincarnate,
Your glance at me rewrites my fate.

But I see your eyes, they follow her,
Admiring all that she’s to offer.
I want that too, but I’m a face,
A seatmate lost in empty space.

I don’t like you, I keep in mind,
Yet every game stings over time.
Blaming you for being blind,
While I play roles that leave me confined.

Your gaze at me, it stays the same,
But hers ignites a brighter flame.
And here I sit, a shadow cast,
Hoping these feelings won’t ever last.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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