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Katniss walked out, the drums beating as if in anticipation of the execution. Honestly I was quite disgusted. Why was yet another death presented as if it was a grand show? 

All the Victors and I stood next to Katniss, in front of Snow. I watched as his eyes started on his left, locking onto Finnick. I could tell he shivered from his stare. Snow's eyes then stare into Annie, then Enobaria, then Beetee, lingering on Katniss for a minute or two, before looking at Peeta, Haymitch, Johanna. 

Then me.

A terrifying scream woke me from my sleep, my eyes snapping open to try identify who's scream it was. Who my going-to-sleep caused torture to. It was my own scream. 

"Welcome to the new Panem."

Snow smiled from above me, his glinting in satisfaction as he watches his glove stain with blood. Within his hand, he held a pair of pliers, which firmly held my pointer fingernail. I cried out in pain as his other hand, which held my own, caressed my injured nail bed, putting pressure in my wound. 

"Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle."

I screamed again as he dropped my pointer fingernail on the cold concrete floor, gripping onto my middle fingernail next with the pliers. I struggled against his hold, but with my malnourished and abused body, I couldn't get away.

"We are gathered to witness an historical moment of justice."

He ripped the nail out, squeezing my finger to force the blood out, dripping off the end of my fingertips before splatting onto the concrete floor. "Tell me about the rebellion." When I shook my head, he moved onto my ring fingernail.

"Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars."

I felt myself lightheaded, whether from the pain, the blood loss, or the screaming is beyond me. I was in and out of consciousness, barely able to register the bloodied glove thrown onto the ground beside me. "Since she's slipping to sleep, let's pay a little visit to her lover to wake her up."

"May her arrow signify the end of tyranny, and the beginning of a new era."

Instantly, I sat up, pushing my exhausted body up with my bleeding hand, ignoring the pain. "I'm- I'm awake. Please... leave her alone." I cried. My hand shot up to grab Snow's wrist, stopping him from leaving. I felt myself get thrown to the ground before another round of pain shot throughout my body.

"Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

My entire body must have been shaking, because I felt myself get pulled into Johanna's arms. My own arms wrapped around her waist, pushing my cheek into her neck as I watched as  Katniss drew her bow.

I watched as her aimed suddenly moved up, the arrow flying into Coin.

I knew she wouldn't let another Hunger Games happen. For Prim.

Coin crumbled to the ground, falling onto concrete as the arrow protruded out of her. 

Snow laughed, foamy blood spewing out of his mouth. The crow rioted, people pushing towards Snow chanting 'kill him'. I felt the tug of Johanna's pull, but I couldn't keep my eyes off the mockery that Snow exhibited, acting as if he had won when he lost in every single possible way.

I didn't pull my eyes away from him, until I see his movements still, and his body slump.

Tears well in my eyes.

Relief pools through my veins. 

My mind gets closure.

I am free. 

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