Chapter 3

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A/n: I'm going to start doing POVs (point of views) from this chapter on but I hope you enjoy vote and comment.



     "Where that Mani hoe at?"

      My name and hoe was in the same damn sentence so I was trying to figure out who in the hell done lost they mind.

      "Ummm I'm right here bitch wassup?" That's all I said until I was met face to face with this clown ass crazy bitch Alexis.

       Alexis is one of Jay's many ex-girlfriends that gets on my everlasting nerves. She is delirious and is always worried about what my man is doing. They broke up in the 10th grade and she was still calling him her man. That's probably only because me and him broke up before and he fucked her a couple of times.

       I know I need to set her straight real quick something I should've done already.

      "I don't know how many times I gotta tell you stay away from my man bitch he don't want you!" Alexis claimed.

       This female is really stupid he only wanted a quick nut and that was it but I guess she don't know that so I need to tell her.

      "Hoe, your man?" I laughed like someone told a joke,"He left your dirty ass for me don't get it twisted. Just cause you let him hit when we weren't together don't mean shit!"

     That must've hit a nerve because next thing I knew she was reaching for my hair.

      Everyone in the cafeteria were hooping and hollering when we started fighting. She got me off guard so when we started she got a couple of licks in. Then she tried to throw me on the ground but I punched her dead in the eye and it was over for it.

       I hit her in the mouth next and threw her down, then I got on top of her and started beating her ass. I guess her little friend didn't like that so much and decided to jump in on the fight.


       I was standing there letting them get there one on one but the little minion bitch decided it was a good idea to jump into the fight. Now why would she do that dumb shit. I don't know what she thought it was, but if she thought I was gone let my bitch get jumped she thought wrong.

       As soon as she got over there I must've pulled that hoe by her shirt and started whooping her ass but I only got a few good hits in before the staff broke us up from the fight. It took two people to get me off of the girl because I was mad she tried that dumb shit.

      The administrators had us by our arms and took us to the office. I didn't have a scratch on me but Mani had a busted lip and a little scratch above her left eyebrow. As for Alexis and her bitch friend they got fucked up.

       The principal didn't suspend Mani and I because we didn't start the fight. Although, we had to go home for the rest of the day and bring a parent back in the morning to check us in. So it was basically like an overnight suspension. I knew my mom and dad were going to have something to say about this.

      Mani and I grabbed everything we needed for home and left.

      Once we were out of the school building I spotted Maco again. Looked like he was cutting class but that was none of my business.


       My name is Kareem Taylor but everyone calls me Maco. I have a caramel complexion and I am a very handsome guy that stands at 6'1 might I add, not to be conceited or anything. I also have dimples with an all white bright smile. I keep my hair on point. Right now I have a low cut curly fade.

       I really should be in class right now but I don't care what be going on around here. This school shit just ain't for me honestly. I'm not dumb or anything but I just don't like being here. I could be hustling on the block but I gotta watch myself around here shit be too hot.

       The only reason I'm not in class is cause I just got some fye ass head from one of my side pieces named Becky. I know right, go figure. But she not all that bad, as in looks, I just ask for some head every now and again.

       Relationships aren't really my thing either cause I don't really trust none of these hoes. I really only trust my moms, a few of my niggas and that's it.

        Just as I was walking back towards the building I spotted lil mama who was eyeing me the fuck down in Ms. Welles class this morning. And damn she had a body and an ass, I always gotta look, but she really pretty as fuck.

       She was bad as fuck. I probably could fuck if I wanted to, without hesitation too. But she looked innocent ain't wanna ruin her little ass. But shit I could. As we got closer towards each other I spoke to her.

       "Aye wassup ma?" I spoke in my sexy voice.

       She looked behind her as if I wasn't talking to her and then she looked at her friend. Her friend had a busted lip so I wondered if it was them that had beat up them hoes up in the cafeteria.

       "I'm talking to you c'mere."
I told her reassuring her that I was speaking directly to her.

       She said something to her friend and then she stopped but her friend kept walking to where ever she was headed.

       "Wassup?" She said in a sweet tone. Shit was sexy.

       "The school is that way," I said pointing in the direction of the school, "Why you not in class ma?"

      "Well I could ask you the same thing but I think I know why you're not in class." She pointed down at my zipper which was still open and Becky was coming around the corner, fixing her hair.

     I lightly chuckled "You pretty observate I see."

     She didn't say anything but she smiled then she took a step forward and said, "I have to go now Maco."

     Before I was able to get a word out she was already at the car door getting in.

      Damn was all I could think before I went inside the building.

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