Chapter 1

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"Teresa... Teresa wake up," my mom yelled out to me, "Do you know what time it is!?"

I heard my mom yelling from my bedroom door I had to get up and get ready for school, which was something I hated because I knew I wasn't a morning person. "Yes mom I'm up now... thank you," I said back to her with a slick attitudish tone.

I rolled over, got out of bed and rubbed my face. I checked my Iphone 6 to see if I had any messages and I did from my bestfriend Mani. Her real name is Remani Lewis, we became bestfriends like a year after I moved here.

I remember it like it was yesterday. We were in the 8th grade and we had got into it because she thought I was going to back down from her and her little friends. They were talking about me but I stood up for myself and for sure I knew I had hated her but I forgave her eventually. Later that year she came up to me telling me that she thought I was weak and didn't expect that from me. She told me I wasn't a scary bitch and that we could hang out. And so we did just that. After that day we became good friends and became each others ride or die.

I unlocked my phone and read her text message.

Bff Mani: Good morning baby get up [6:10]

I would've replied but I knew if I took any longer my mother would surely come back up here. Looking at the time it was going on 6:30. I had to be at school by 7:30 but I knew myself to well it takes me time to get ready. So I walked into the bathroom, in my room, and put my phone on my iphone dock and let the music play.

T.i and Chris Brown- Private Show played off of Pandora. I danced and sang as I started the shower and got undressed. When the shower was the right temperature I hopped in and washed my body with my Bath & Body Works bodywash. By the time I got out it was 6:50. I wrapped my body in a plush all red bath towel and dried off in my bedroom. Within the next 15 minutes I was dressed hair done teeth brushed and heading downstairs with my phone in hand.

I finally got to the table at 7:05 and saw my mother just finishing up breakfast. While I waited for her to bring me a plate I quickly texted Mani.

Me: Goodmorning sweetie you can head on over.

She lived like 5 minutes away from me so we always rode to school together. Even though I had a car it was her turn this week to take us. There's nothing wrong with getting a ride from a friend, it's called saving gas.

"Morning mom, what's for breakfast?" I asked my mom as I got up from the table and hugged her petite yet curvy body.

"Well as you can see pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice!" She exclaimed. My mom always knew how to cook so I knew where I got my cooking skills from.

"Well it was you I got my skills from," we both shared a laugh. "Dad on the other hand-"

As if on cue."Goodmorning my two beautiful young ladies." I heard my dad speak from behind us. I turned and gave him a smile and hugged him.

"Now what were you saying about my cooking?" He asked me with a stern yet jokingly voice.

Of course I wasn't going to tell him what I had just said or were going to say. "Nothing Goodmorning daddy, how are you doing?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I'm doing fine honey what about you?" He said.

"I'm doing good." I explained.

I love both of my parents equally but I would consider myself more of a daddy's girl. My dad and I just always got alone better and I'm not saying me and my mother didn't but it's just a different type of relationship.

I finished eating and Mani pulled up in her all black 2013 Audi. She came to the door and nearly knocked me down when I opened the door.

"Hey bestfriend," she said as she bear hugged me, "Oweee it smells good in here is mom in the kitchen throwing down?"

Before I could get a word out she was already in the house and headed to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Mr. and Mrs. Williams well..." she paused for a moment, "mom and dad!" Mani said in a cheerful voice.

My mom and dad both laugh and said goodmorning back to her as they were eating.

We all talked for a few more minutes and then Mani and I were out the door and headed out to the car to go to school.

And so my long day starts now.

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