Chapter Three

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Waking up in Phil's bed felt so wrong. And of the course the first thing I did was bolt up and puke out the alcohol from last night into Phil's trashcan. Speaking of Phil, he wasn't here. "Phil", I choke out as I puke again. I take out the trash before getting dressed and looking around for him.

"Phil", I call squinting as the bright light from the kitchen window shines through. Jesus I can still taste the vodka. I hold my stomach before barfing into the kitchen sink. I rinse it out and peak outside to see his car is gone.

Probably off to find a new roommate he won't fuck.

I grab my head regretting everything that happened last night. What was I even thinking?! God I'm so stupid. I go to walk up to my room when I see a note stuck to the door of the house. I pull it off and read in Phil's hand writing that he went out for pain medication because he knew I would have a killer headache.

I smile that he thought of me. So I decide to crawl into a ball under my blankets and watch supernatural on really low brightness until he gets back. I listen for any signs of him as I wait but don't here any for quite sometime.

I decide to get up and get something to eat. I slump to the kitchen and grab some pizza rolls before going back up to my room. As I sat there eating though I felt as if something was wrong. Depending on what time Phil had left he had been gone awhile.

Probably doesn't want to see me.

But still something was nagging at me to call him. I was starting too look through my phone when I saw a glimpse of the shower and thought I should get in. So I stripped, grabbed a towel and made my way to my room where the 2nd bathroom was. I turn on the water in the shower and step in letting the hot water wash away all of my worry. This is what I needed. I sigh slipping my fingers in my hair the water slipping into my face and I wipe it away.

In the moment of pure happiness a noise breaks my thoughts.

My cell phone.

Something in my body told me to answer it so with no question asked I jump out of the shower rap a towel around me bolt to Phil's room where the noise is coming from. I find it on the floor and pick it up and without looking at the caller ID answer it.


"Is this Mrs. Cole?"

"It is..."

"Mrs. Cole this is London county hospital and we have a Mr. Philip Lester in the Emergency room for a severe car accident. He has you under his list of contact information."

My whole world stopped.

Not Phil,

No never oh my god Phil.

"Oh my god, uh yes I'll be right there, oh my god, yeah I uh, bye", I say hanging up the phone and dropping my towel with a totally 'get the fuck out of my way' attitude and ran to my room.

I pull out the first things that came into view and pull my soaking wet hair in a bun before throwing on a random pair of shoes and grabbing my car keys rushing to lock up and grab my purse.

I bolt out of the house slamming the door and jumping into my car. I start it up and race toward the hospital having a mental anxiety attack.

After pulling up to the hospital I jump out full on running to the entrance. I didn't care at how many people were starring at me and how many germs were floating around in the entrance of the emergency room. I run to the desk and the nurse looks up at me worried. "Yes?" she asks. "My friend was in a car accident his names Phil Lester he's 28, really pale, blue eyes, he was driving a dark blue Honda and-" I say rambling on. "Mam we don't need all of that information, he's in surgery right now Nurse Indie knows more then me I'll call her down and take you to the waiting room and explain", she says and I nod and I stand waiting anxiously.

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