Chapter Eleven

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Jack and I lay in my bed as he plays with my finger tips.

"I don't know how I feel about you staying at Dan's place though..."

"I'll be fine, I wish you could come."

He kisses my nose before pulling me into him.

"I have to work babe and besides, I wasn't invited", he says smiling.

"Yeah I know."

He looks down at me and smiles kissing me briefly.

Then he rests his chin on my head and sighs.

"I'm going to miss my little cuddle buddy."

"Me too", I say smiling; "It's only a weekend though."

"That's a good thing", he says kissing my head and then there's a knock on the door.

"Hey Becca were getting ready to take off you ready?"


We both stand up and I grab my last bag and back pack for the plane.

I open the door and head down pulling my bag along. I try to go down the stairs with it but instead it just clanks down the stairs until it lands at the bottom. "That was easy", I say smiling and Jack rolls his eyes. "Come on", he says going down the stairs.

Dan and PJ are putting the bags into there rental car so I turn to Jack and he raps his arms around me.

"I'll miss you", he says.

"Me too babe."

He attaches our lips and then I hear Tessa gag as she heads down stairs.

Jack groans but I just shake my head kissing him once more before he helps me take my bags out to the car.

He hugs me tightly once more and kisses me before heading to his car and I head to the rental.

He blows a kiss before I turn to PJ who slips into the seat next to me.

"Are you ready Becca!?!?"

"I'm ready, are you ready PJ!?!?!?"

"I'm ready are you ready Becca!?!?!?"

"I'm ready ar-"

"Oh please god stop", Dan says slipping into the driver seat.

We fall silent giggling lightly as we silently mess around.

"I can't wait for Vidcon", I say honestly.

"It's my first year too", PJ says smiling.

"Oh my god that's amazing!"

"I know, I was thinking you could vlog it for me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well sense you're my guest, your going to be with me a lot, and well, I want my fans to meet you properly so I was thinking you could vlog the weekend."

I smile and nod.

"Of course I will Peej!"

"Good I'll start now!"

I giggle at his enthusiasm as he pulls out his camera for vlogging.

"Hello little planet explorers aaaaand I'm in a car...with these guys", he says panning the camera to Dan and Tessa. "Hello", Dan says looking back to smile at the camera. "And I'm also here with someone that you guys are going to think is really important for my first Vidcon weekend", he says doing an excited face and shaking the camera. I giggle before he turns the camera on me. I wave awkwardly and he giggles.

"This is Becca and she will be my guest at Vidcon! Because she's my guest she's going to be with me all the time so she's agreed to have the opportunity to be my paparazzi for the weekend."

I giggle and smile.

"Yeah opportunity", I say sarcastically and he laughs.

"Yes, but either way, your going to get to know her and see what I'll be doing, so were going to kick this off a bit with the plane ride and such and then tomorrow is Vidcon and stuff so yeah here we go."

He turns off the camera and hands it to me.

"Happy birthday", he says and I chuckle shaking my head.

"Thanks PJ it means so much", I say laughing.

He giggles and Dan starts playing music.

As we pull up to the airport and get in I pull out the camera and film as PJ runs and clicks his ankles and laughs as we mess around in the almost empty airport.

Dan shuns us sense he doesn't want to bring attention to himself but we blow him off and get all our stuff together.

Getting on the plane took us only about 45 minutes and soon we were sitting in our seats.

I smile as I look out the plane window sense PJ gave me the window seat and get really giddy.

"You look like a four year old", PJ says.

"I can't wait!" I say quietly shouting.

"I know, I know", he says giggling and I pull out the camera to vlog the take off.

Arms (A Danisnotonfire fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now