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464 words: I decided to take some stuff from Steven universe and implement it into FTO. I thought it was interesting. Small short while I'm grounded. Again.
Right after the light beamed down and my devil was torn from me , my body began to feel like it was on fire-  my bones heating to a point where I felt I might melt, pain ringing through my limbs and head causing a migraine to form. I can barley move-  struggling to push up off the floor with my arms beginning to feel like Jello. Just as I feel my eyes begin burning with tears the small floating energy source that was extracted begins to glow and take form.

Shadowy black and purple's mixed until a figure with piercing red eyes and a single horn fully appears. I reach out with all of my strength towards the devil, energy draining from my body as time goes on. "I need- please-" the Devil's sharp Ruby, red eyes meet my dull blue and purple before he begins moving towards my prone body, his foot stops, making no noise with each advancing step. Without warning, I feel someone hoisted me up into their hole and cautiously move towards the devil. Normally my guild would be doing whatever it takes to get me away from Jupiter, though with what we're dealing with right now, I doubt we- they have a choice. "Don't you take another step!" The holy being cries, angrily, their presence cascading power down around all of us. Even as the person carrying me comes to a halt out of concern for the consequences, my devil continues to advance forward towards the both of us without any at all intention to stop.

"That's it!" The entity rages, casting down a beam of holy light upon the shadow. The light surrounds his figure, becoming a sort of shell around him, preventing escape before dissipating. Jupiter stands untouched with a shield of magic, protecting him from the energy. Symbols of arcane still left against the cold, rough flooring. With each act of defiance, the being grows angrier, frustrated with the amount of disrespect coming from the devil. As a final test, they cast a large energy surge towards the shadow, bright light filling the room almost blinding me in the process.

With a flash of purple light, demonic magic, flushes out the overwhelming power, sending the entity stumbling backwards into the wall. Jupiter focuses his attention back on me, stalking closer as if you were a predator closing in on prey. Eventually, he comes face-to-face with me, taking me from the person's grasp and holding onto me as we become one again. I pat myself as I feel my energy in his magic returning. Thankful that he decided to stay alongside me instead of leaving to continue his reign of control by himself. "Thank you." I breathe, regrouping with the others now that I'm myself once again.

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