Things are slowly but surely getting better

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Yn pov

I woke up in Rays arms i dont really know if i knew this guy or not but i trust him i guess.I got up and went to the bathroom and came back out my stomach started making noises and i didnt know where to go. I decided to wake up Ray and ask him.I shook him he woke up and pulled me to him looking in my eyes and tried to kiss me but i jerked up. He let go and sat up:

Yn:w-w-wheres the cafeteria

Ray:come on

We walked out the room and i followed Ray to a door.

Yn:where are we going

Ray:shut up

Whats his problem.

I followed him into an empty room it seemed like that was where the food was prepared. I think he wants me to steal the food.............if your hungry your hungry. I picked up a soft pretzel and ate it Ray was eating icecream.

Yn:your icecream good

He ignored me and threw away his trash.And began walking out the door. I sat on the floor watching him as he came to a stop.

Ray:come on

I ignored him and continued on the floor looking at him.

Ray:so your ignoring me

I still didnt reply.He walked to me picking me up. and started walking.I started trying to get up his grip:

Ray:stop before i drop kick you

I stopped and looked at him shock i gazed in his eyes it was a mix of emotions he was sad mad and confused. We walked into our room he sat me on the bed and sat next to me looking the other way:

Yn:whats wrong

Ray:what do you mean whats wrong you know whats wrong

Yn:actually i dont

He turned to me with fury and tears in his eyes.

Ray:my mom was right you dont care about me........i was stupid to think you might have even loved me....i should just go

He was about to go when i grabbed his arm he turned around and i kissed him. He didnt hesitate just kissed back we both pulled back and he pulled me into a hug.Then i felt all his weight on me:

Ray:sorry my stomach

Yn:its ok

I helped him to the hospital bed and the doctor came in the room:

Doctor:your mom said to get ready shes on her way by the way youll be feeling better by 2 weeks tops ill give your medication to your mom


The doctor left the room and we went to the waiting room the lady i saw earlier was waved to us and ray started walking towards her im guessing thats his mom i followed behind.She smiled at both of us and gave us hugs we followed her to the car.She started driving. I sat in the back with ray holding his hand. The whole car ride was quiet and we had silly smiles on faces even Rays mom.We stopped:

RM:alright get out love birds i need to get some breakfast for the little ones and be dressed when i get back your going to school

We got out the car and started walking inside the house i looked around the house i think i remember this place wait a minute..............i do.


Ray:yea babe

Yn:i remember this place

He smiled and we started walking up the stairs he walked into his room and i walked to the guest room. I did my routine and got dressed.Then i walked to the kitchen looking at the fridge looking at all the pictures on it. Then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.Ray.We swung back and forth looking at the pics then his mom came in giving us the car keys pushing us out the door for school.


I followed ray to a classroom.He turned around:

Ray:just follow me we have class together so everything so go good

He kissed me again before opening the door. I followed behind him.

Ray pov

I walked in to the class room holding Yn hand when the teacher called her to him . She let go of my hand walking to the teacher i saw craig and prince so i began walking to them when some guy bumped into to me squeezing my stomach pushing me down i fell to the ground and looked up at Roc laughing and walking away.Prod helped me up and walked to seats.

Ray:whats his problem

Prod:i dont know he's been acting weird ever since the shooting

I sighed and began doing work.

Yn pov

When i got done with talking to the teacher i scanned the room and saw Ray was sitting with his friends so i decided to find a new seat and sat next to some dude;

Dude:hey babe


Dude:you dont remember me Im chris

Yn:no......i have a boyfriend

When i said that some blue headed girl Scoffed and A purple headed one turned around

Girl:leave her alone Chris Hey Yn you can sit by me if you want My name is Bre

I smiled and sat by her



I looked  at my worked and made a confused face. Bre looked at me and offered help. I accepted it and she helped me with it. 

Good boy or Complete jerk(a mindless behavior/ray ray love story)Where stories live. Discover now