Our moment

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We woke up to the sound of knocks at the door. I opened the door. It was Nique and Zoey.

Nique-we're growing apart

They moved ray out the way and plopped down on the couch.

Yn- ok what?

Nique-he's not listening to me and barely pays attention

Zo- I don't understand why we came to them no offense

Nique- because we need somebody to fix us

Ray- why didn't you get professional help

Zo- exactly like what I'm saying

Yn- I mean but Ray sometime those people don't even help they just take money out your pocket and pull you apart more

Nique- that's what I was thinking

Zo-(phone beeps) wait(starts texting)

Yn+Nique- I know you not texting while we having a conversation

Yn-put your phone down

Nique- who was you texting anyways

Ray-woah Yn, Nique chill

Zo-yea why you acting this way Nique

Nique- I feel like your cheating on me

Zo- I-I'm not cheating on you

Yn-I heard hesitation

Nique-me too

Zo- that was my mom

Nique- let me see

Zo- it's kinda personal

Nique- babe I won't judge you lemme see

Ray- Nique I think you should give him some space I mean he said it was personal

Yn- if you said that I'd still check you

Ray- man you females get so detective and want to know everything

Zo-exactly what I'm saying bro

Yn+Nique- what! If I was playing shady you'd check me too

Zo+Ray- no I wouldn't

Me and Nique stood there peering at them. Once they got the idea they spoke up.

Ray+Zo- I'm sorry

Zo-ok babe forreal it was my mom she was talking about my (medicine) ointment

Ray-(snickers) dude your what

Zo-I did a stupid dare ok....anyways come on I'm going to take you out

They thanked us and left.

Ray- you accept my apology

I stayed silent.

Ray- get dressed I wanna take you to the park

At the park

I was on a swing and Ray sat next to me.

Ray-this place look familiar

I looked around and yea this place did look familiar.


Ray- you have and memories of this place

I thought long and hard about.

Yn-nope I got nothing


I took her hand. I hope this thing is still here. I found the tree is looking for and took a chunk that was carved out of the tree I turned it over and took a lunch box out it.

Yn- ew you hid lunch in here

I hissed at her.

Yn- weirdo

I opened the lunch box. It had pictures and keychains in it and an old sandwich it had a note on it. It said 'if this sandwich is old then Ray Ray took forever to come back home'. I showed the note to Yn. She read it and laughed.

Yn- who wrote that

Ray- you did

Yn- wha

Ray- we used to be bestfriends until I had to leave and I promised you I'd come back and here i am

Yn-(picks up a picture) this is us!

I looked at the picture it was one of my pulling Yn on a wagon. And another of her on the ground criying with the wagon tipped over. I chuckled.

Yn-(hits his chest)

She picked up another pic and it was of my crying holding my foot. Yn started laughing. She picked up another it was of us laughing at each other. After we went through 24 more pics we stopped at one of us sleep on the floor she was sitting up sleep with my sleeping with my head on her lap. We smiled at the pic. Then looked at the other things. And put thing back when a pic fell out the bottom it was of the day I was leaving me and her were 11 we were hugging and Yn was crying but you know I had to be a man.

Yn-there's something written on the back (reads aloud) I love you Ray Ray I love you Yn and I promise I'll never forget you or be anyone else's bestfriend your my one and only

Yn- Ray Ray

Ray- yea

Yn- your my one and only I love you and I'm sorry for forgetting about our friendship

I kissed her and held her. We sat on the bench and just looked into the sky. She laid her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

???-well well well looked who it is

Good boy or Complete jerk(a mindless behavior/ray ray love story)Where stories live. Discover now