Alice's Arrival - Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Alice Sakurai, and  I've been living in this church ever since My Mother passed away. She died in a car accident, when I was 10. My Mother had to raise me all by herself, since My Father left the house when I was a baby. I was born with a rare blood type called Rh-null. The church knew about my rare blood type and decided to care for me. The people at the church were very kind to me. They told me, that they would care for me until I turned seventeen. Since on my seventeenth birthday, I'm supposed to move in the Sakamaki Household.

7 years later

It feels pretty sad to leave this place, I mean they are the ones that raised for the past 7 years. They must think that I'm grown now and that I can handle living in a place that I don't know anything about. As I was finishing packing up my belongings, couldn't help but wonder, "Are they doing this for me or for the sake of the church? Oh well, either way I have no say of the matter. It's the least that I could do after living here for free for 7 years!" Then I walked to the limousine, that was waiting for me outside the church.

~Time Skip~ {At the Sakamaki mansion}

After a few hours of driving, the limousine came to a stop. The driver then spoke a few words before driving off," Well here's the place! But I have to say that it looks a tad bit familiar." I then was slightly interested on what he said," Um Sir, How so?" He smiled at me saying," I believe that I dropped of a girl around your age here, about a few months ago." I smiled back at the driver," Oh you don't say? ... Anyways thanks for the drive take care!"

I walked until, made it up with two large iron gates of the huge mansion.' I guess they must be a very wealthy family.' I thought to myself. Then I felt small droplets of water hit my nose." I have get in fast!" I said while running to the two front doors of the mansion. With one knock, the door was opened with a blonde girl.' Could she possibly be the girl that the driver was talking about?' I then lost my thought when the girl spoke," Um could you be the girl that the church sent here?" I smiled," Um yeah... , they told me that I'd be living here for now on." The girl looked a little surprised and spoke," I guess I'll show you to your room. Oh! By the way I'm Yui Komori, it's nice to meet you!" I shyly said," Um...thanks,......My name is Alice Sakurai, it's nice to meet you too!"

Then out of nowhere a voice shouted," Oi Chichinashi, where are you going with Ore-sama's prey? You need to be punished!" Yui looked scared," Um see Ayato-kun, Alice was brought here by the church and was told to live here and I was just about to take her to her room." The guy named, Ayato, I think? Bluntly stated ," I don't care, Chichinashi you know that I'm going to punish you either way for lying to Ore-sama?" He was starting to get closer to Yui, until I spoke out, " It's not her fault, she was really just trying to take me to my room! So please don't punish her! I'll take the punishment upon myself! If that's what it takes for you to believe her!" I said worried for Yui's sake. He smirked and pinned me to the ground," That was pretty bold for you to say something like that to Ore-sama, Ichigo-*licks my neck* but I'm always up for a free meal." It looked like he was going to bite me, kinda like a vampire. Until I heard a voice say," Ayato please quit doing such things to a girl you've just met." Ayato let out an annoyed sigh and said," It's not my fault, Reiji! Ichigo was just begging for it!" They kept on arguing, until I started feeling light headed and fainted.

A/N- Hello I hope that you guys enjoy the story! Well,see you guys later! ~ SailorCats😺

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