Hardworking Alice - Chapter 11

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Alice's P.O.V

I was glad to have learned something new from Ruki-kun. Even if it was just his name, I know that I can't help him, but still I want to try and help him with his pain. I woke up alone on his bed. I guess that he did tell me that won't  be attending school, until I've forgotten the Sakamakis. But I really can't help the fact that miss them. I really miss everyone! I feel so guilty, I told them that I'd be with them no matter what! Oh Alice don't worry about the others! I'm sure that they're looking for me right now!

 "Why are you awake?" Ruki? What is he still doing here right now? "Oh sorry about that! It's just that I miss the others that's all!" He walked up closer to me lifted my chin,"Listen Nuisance, forget about them. They won't put any effort in finding you.*Ruki gives paper to Alice* Now, this is a list of things that you have to do while I'm gone. Is that understood?" I nodded,"Yes, Ruki-kun of course! I promise to work efficiently while your gone! Hey is there anything else that I can do to help out Ruki-kun?" He sighed while walking out,"No. Now get to work! Everything better be done when I get back here." 

I followed him outside to say bye to the others. "Bye guys! I'll miss you! Have a great day at school!" I saw Yuma yell,"Shut up Baka! It's not like we're your own kids!" I smiled at typical Yuma. It was actually kinda of cute of Kou to blowing kisses at me,"I'll keep my precious Usagi-chan in mind at school*winks* I'll take you someplace special when I get back! Okay?" I nodded then Ruki send a glare to me,"Nuisance, get to working!" I ran inside. "Wow! Ruki-kun can sure be scary! I guess that I should get started!"

~10 minutes later~   

"Okay! It says here to clean up the rooms! Shouldn't be a problem!" I walked into Ruki's room. "I guess that it's already cleaned from the last time I've slept in here. I guess that I'll go clean out Kou's room." OMG! W-What even is t-this? Why so much Purfume and trash? Sometimes I actually do wonder what an Idol's room would look like. Guess it looks the same as any plain person. Oh well! This mess won't get cleaned by it's self!

~1 Hour later~ {Of crazy cleaning}

*Alice starts tearing up* Yes! I did it! Okay I deserve a big award from Kou when he gets back! That was crazy! Ok looks like I have to clean up Yuma's room. Should look better than Kou's room, right? I walked into his room and it actually doesn't look that bad. *Dramical music plays in the background* Looks like the legends were true. Thou Sugar-chan lies in this very room.*Music stops and Alice grabs a hand full of Sugar-chan* Yes! I'll save those for later! Okay it looks like I've finished in his room guess that I have Azusa's room left! 

~10 Minutes later~

I walked inside and looked around."He must really care for me! His room is so clean!" Okay I just have to check in the bathroom.*Alice opens the door and tears up* No!!! I almost forgot that he self-harms himself! Ugh! Why!!!! This bathroom looks like someone runs a millitary hospital. My goodness, so many bloody knives! I guess that I know now what not to get him for Christmas!

~30 Minutes later~{Of cleaning blood}

Okay, so next the thing that I have to do is wash the dishes! That's pretty simple! I'm impressed, for just 4 guys living together to have this much dishes is quite surprising! I guess that explains all of the take out boxes in Kou's room! Okay! I've got this!~10 minutes later~ Looks like I have to water the roses, simple enough!~10 seconds later~ Wha? Why? No! They have a garden of roses in the front and the back by Yuma's garden! No this'll take forever! But I don't really have a choice!

~4 Hours later~{of watering roses}

*Alice wipes off sweat* I'm beat! Luckily there's one thing left to do. It says that I have to make dinner. Hmm~ Let's make some pasta with a nice soup! I really hope that I have enough time for a quick shower before they come back! Okay it says to make something other than Vongole Bianco. Why is it crossed off the list and says,"Make it anyways." I guess that'll make it anyways.

~2 Hours later~{of cooking}

It looks like everything's ready. I guess that I they're on there way back home by now! I still smell pretty bad. I'll go take a quick shower before they arrive back. I went to take a shower and finished quickly to greet them as soon as they arrived.*Alice looks out the window* This kinda reminds me of when I was little. My Mother used to always look out window waiting for My Father to come home. Mother was very sad that Father never came back home, but she still loved me twice as much. Oh it looks like they've arrived! I better go out and greet them! 

*Alice walks outside and runs up to Ruki and hugs him* "Oh welcome back Ruki-kun! I missed you! How was your day?" *Ruki pushes Alice off* "Fine. Now did you finish all of the things on that list?" I nodded while Kou hugged me from behind,"Usagi-chan? Where's my welcome back hug?" I hugged him back and pecked him on the cheek,"Oh I'm sorry Kou-kun! How was your day?" He smiled,"I'm not telling*winks while sticking out his Tongue*" I giggled,"Oh Kou! You're such a tease!"

He let go of me and I ran up Yuma but slowly began backing up."H-Hi Y-Yuma-kun how was your day?" He came up and hugged me,"So Chibi thinks that I don't deserve a hug? Hah?" I blushed and shook my head."N-no of c-course n-not! I-it's just that your height is kind of intimidating t-that's all!" I let go while ignoring the fact that he ignored my last question. I went up to Azusa and hugged him and he quickly hugged me back."*Azusa sniffs Alice's hair* Eve smells....very...nice....Did you happen....to take a...shower?" I nodded and pecked his cheek. He was slightly blushing. I let go and opened up the door. "Welcome back! I'll serve dinner in a few minutes!" They went off to their rooms while I was left in charged of serving dinner.

A/N- Next chapter will be with Alice eating dinner with the Mukamis!


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