First Bite - Chapter 5

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~Alice's P.O.V~
On the way back, I noticed that Shuu was staring at me. It kinda felt like I did something bad. What's his problem? It's really starting to creep me out. Really? He just had to lick his lips while staring at me to make me feel even more uncomfortable. Luckily the limousine came to a stop, and I ran inside into an opened room.

~Music Room~
I locked myself up in the room. I looked around to check if anyone was there. 'It looks like there's no one here except for me, I guess that I could mess around in here.' I saw a large piano in the room with several different instruments. "This room kinda looks like the music room at school." I looked around to make sure that no one was there. After all, I have to make sure my secret safe. I sat on the piano and began to play a random song that I remembered playing at the church. After a few minutes of playing I began feeling weak and very tired. Before I realized it, I fainted on the piano keys.

~Alice's Dream~
"Eve" I heard that voice again."I'm sorry, is anyone here?" I said while looking around a dark room for the voice."Eve, awaken soon." I was very annoyed but kept my cool,"Who are you? And why do you keep on calling me that?" The voice quickly responded,"You'll understand soon enough, Eve." I was beginning to get scared,"Okay I apologize, but I do not know who this Eve is! I am Alice! I think you have the wrong person! So, please leave me alone!" I said while slowly tearing up.

~Shuu's P.O.V~
As soon as we arrived back, Alice was gone. Ugh! Really this girl is too troublesome! I looked around, then decided to give up and take a nap in the music room. The door was locked, she must've locked it what an idiot! I opened the door with a spare key I had. I mean, I could always teleport, but why not put some effort today? My eyes quickly met up with a sleeping figure on the piano. It was that girl, she was sweating and shaking in her sleep. I shook her shoulder."Oi Meiwaku! Wake up." She then began whimpering. What is she dreaming about? Seriously this girl is troublesome! I picked her up and carried her to her room.

~Alice's Room~
I laid down next to her paying attention to her every movement. Honestly this girl is troublesome, all I wanted was to suck her blood. Instead I ended up baby sitting her. Well she looks a bit more relaxed than before, her neck is fully exposed. I'm very tempted to bite her. She still has the hickey I left on her, the first day she came. Her face looks too peaceful, I can't resist any longer.

~Alice's P.O.V~
I woke up to a sharp pain on my neck. Then began to hear heavy breathing and moans coming from my neck. It felt as if someone was on top of me sucking my blood. I began to tear up, but quickly straighten up and pushed the person off of me. "What were you doing to me?" I said while I touched my neck. I was bleeding! Wait! Why was I bleeding? I looked up to find Shuu with blood dripping from his chin. He let out annoyed sigh,"Honestly, are you that stupid? You've just been bitten." I looked around the area for a second. He must've brought me to my room, when I fainted in the music room. I had to act calm even though at the moment I was scared. So I smiled, "Thank you for taking me to my room Shuu-san!" I said while hugging him. I felt him flinch at my sudden gesture, but he slowly hugged back."So you're not scared? That we're vampires?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course not! I thought that there was something wrong with you guys in the first place. You have to admit, you guys are very pale and act quite strange! I didn't want to believe it at first, but it turned out to be true!" Even if I was scared I couldn't show it to any of them, I want to show them that I do accept them for what they truly are. Besides, I guess that they might have had a bad past in order for them to act this way towards others. Shuu smirked and pinned me down. "So you're not scared if I suck you dry right now?" I was surprised, but quickly looked at him while nodding,"It's fine, after all if it'll you happy...I'm okay with you doing that." Shuu looked at me shocked and quickly got off of me."So, you'd rather give up your own life to please others?" I got up and nodded while staring at the bed sheets."Well, yeah, Why not? I feel that you can't feel happy yourself...Then, why not try to make others happy?" He hugged me and I hugged him back. The poor guy, even if he was a vampire, that doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings. I guess something must've happened to him before to make him feel this way, but I know that soon my warm heart may melt through his cold heart.

~Shuu's P.O.V~
Her blood tastes delicious, it's better than the other bride. I couldn't possibly kill her, not with this blood. I kept on sucking her blood until I was pushed off by her. She didn't look the slightest bit scared, I was starting to get really annoyed. Does she really not take me seriously? She knows that we're vampires, yet she doesn't mind it the slightest bit. It's very strange for a human to give in so easily, but she still has a reason for all of this. I mean, she even thanked me and hugged me. Honestly, I haven't felt this comfortable by a human for a long time. She somehow reminds me of Edgar, but still I can't give into her. I cannot allow myself to get close to another human, or the same thing might happen again. Anything that's precious to me always ends up being destroyed by me. Still, she has that idiot smile of hers on her face. I really couldn't help but to hug her back. It's strange, she smiles even if she truly isn't happy. I asked her a question,"Is it possible to make others happy even if you aren't?" She let go and looked away,"Honestly, I've never haven't experienced how it feels to be happy.....Therefore, I really don't know." She seems lost in her own thoughts. I quickly let go of her and walked out saying,"Don't ever get close to me again. Or your life might be on the line." I know that I've just met her, but I must say she really is something else.

~Alice's P.O.V~
Like WTF? Really? So you're going to act kind towards me and then just push me away? Wow! What a jerk! But then again, I really can't blame him. He must've experienced something in the past to make him act this way. And it's my job to help them all out! So yeah! I think I've got this!*Alice Smiles to herself* I'm sure that these guys are all just broken/lost and just want someone to understand them and that deep inside they're all very sweet and kind! You just first have it understand their problems. I want to be that can person understand them and to earn all of their trust. I understand that it won't be easy, but I'll do my best to make it happen. And If I can't accomplish that, then I will leave and know that I was never meant to be here in the first place.

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