Phases - Chapter 21

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Ayato's P.O.V {4 months later}
Why did I act like that in front of her? Ugh, I'm such an idiot! At this rate, I know she won't come back. But why do I feel so empty without her? It's strange, I've never have felt this way before. Almost a year has passed since I've last sucked her blood. It's driving me crazy, I need her blood.

Just knowing that she's living with those Mukami's, gets me pissed off. I've tried drinking  many different girls blood, but it doesn't seem to have the same satisfaction that her blood gives me. I'm tired of this crap! I, Ore-sama will rightfully take back what's mine! I need your blood and I need it now. So prepare yourself Alice, I'll take you back whether you like it or not!

Alice's P.O.V
I smiled while arriving back home from school. I guess that it's okay to call this home? After all, I don't see myself leaving anytime soon! I'm happy to be living here with Ruki and his brothers. I just really wish that Ruki would come back soon, I know that I shouldn't feel this way, but why do I feel that I'm losing trust for his arrival? I'm crying, heh, Wait? What!

I quickly wiped off my tears, I refuse to let myself think that way! I know that he'll come back! Ruki wouldn't just leave me without saying goodbye! As I walked inside the mansion I frowned while remembering that I was alone today. Yuma was staying late at school for detention. Kou was performing at one of his concerts. Azusa was at tutoring today. So basically I'm stuck here all alone!

I guess that I could take walk in the rose garden. Oh I almost forgot that today is a full moon! Today the roses look very lovely. It's strange, even after all this time I kinda miss the Sakamakis. Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Reiji, Subaru, and Shuu, I never got the chance to say thanks or good bye. I took a deep breath and stared at the night sky. "I'm sorry , I never meant to leave you guys without a proper explanation-" I felt a hand cover my mouth from behind and other hand pull on my collar.

No! This can't be happening! I began to struggle in the person's grip."Please stop! Let go of me!" I suddenly felt a pair of fangs harshly pierce my neck."Stop it-" I stopped by a familiar voice."Shut up! And let me suck your blood!" That voice, could it be Ayato?"Ayato-kun? Why are you doing this?" He let go and faced me."I'm taking you back!*Ayato carries Alice*"

I can't let him do that! "No Ayato! I want to stay here with Ruki and the others! I can't just-" He glared at me."I don't care if you want stay! I won't let them take what's important to me!" I began crying silently, I wanted to say goodbye to you guys! Ruki-kun, I want to see you again. "Please Ayato, don't do this to me! I'm happy living here with the Mukami's! I still-" Ayato threw me out of his arms.

"So what? You just thought that you could leave without saying goodbye? Were you not happy with living with us?" I slowly looked up at Ayato,"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you guys. I loved you guys and I was happy to have been given the chance to live with all of you. Just please Ayato, let me stay here. I'm happy living here with the Mukami's."

Ayato just stared down at me with disappointment in his eyes."You're just like that woman. You never meant what you said to me! Ugh! I hate you!" Ayato pinned me down,"It's fine I'll teach you over and over who belong to*Ayato bites Alice* You're mine, that will never change." I blacked out after that.

Time Skip~{At the Sakamaki Manor}
I woke up in a dark room,"Am I still dreaming?" No this can't be a dream! No matter how I seem to look at it, I'm no longer home. Ruki, Kou, Azusa, Yuma, I'm sorry. I tried getting up but I felt something pulling me back down. Wait a second, this isn't my room I'm in Ayato's room, but more importantly why does he sleep in a iron maiden?

Uh, okay I guess that I won't be leaving anywhere anytime soon, so I think that I'll sleep for a bit more."*Reiji knocks on the iron maiden* Ayato wake up and get changed." Too late I suppose, wait! Why is he touching my chest?"Um Ayato-kun, ah~ stop it- you're grabbing the wrong ah~" Laito quickly opened the iron maiden."Ayato-kun were you doing naughty things again to Pinku-chan? Eh?! Wait, when did you get here?"

Ayato quickly shut the door."Shut up Laito and you quit moving!" I blushed dark red, why did Laito have to walk in while that was happening? Wait I can still hear faint voices,"Oi Reiji-san how come Ayato gets to have all the fun with Pinku-chan?" Reiji please don't get angry!"Ayato let that woman out Immediately! It's too early for you to be acting so perverted!" I giggled silently, I almost forgot about how stubborn Ayato could be.

No way! He can't be doing this again!"Ayato stop grabbing my chest! Ugh you pervert! Help me-" He quickly covered me mouth with his hand."I had a nightmare that you were flat chested!" I slapped him,"Ayato-kun wake up and quit touching me!" I felt him pull on my collar and bit me. "Ayato-kun, why are you doing this? Please tell me!"

He let go and planted small kisses along my neck. In way, it kind of relaxed me."It should be fine, after all you are mine." I frowned,"But I belong to Ruki-kun! And you're my friend-" Ayato suddenly kissed me."Don't mention that guy's name in my presence, it offends me greatly. I should be the only person on your mind. You belong to me whether you like it or not. I'll be your first everything, so prepare yourself." I quietly nodded.
At the end I still will have faith that Ruki will come to save me. I know that he will. Please don't let me down, I trust you.

A/N- Yass I updated! You guys thanks for all of the nice and encouraging comments! Sorry I had a bit of a writers block, but now I feel that I have my thoughts together. Anyway, please leave in the comments if you're enjoying the story! It helps me out a lot! So yeah❤️Bye❤️~SailorCats😺

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