Best Assistant Ever? - Chapter 7

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~Alice's P.O.V~

Okay I just finished my homework and feel so relieved right now! A bit too relieved...You know what? I'm going to help Reiji in the lab! Since I have nothing better to do! "*Alice knocks on Reiji's door* Um excuse me Reiji-san, but may I help you in the lab today?" He opened the door,"Why are you asking me this?" I looked at him nervously,"Well, I thought that it would be kinda fun to help out Reiji-san in the lab! That's all really! But if you don't want me to-" He pushed his glasses up and glared at me,"Fine! But you better not do anything stupid!*mumbles to himself* I already have enough with Ayato doing stupid pranks." I smiled and ignored his last comment,"Thank you Reiji-san, I promise not to be a hassle!" *Reiji blushes* I look at him strangely,"Is there something wrong Reiji-san? If there is then we can always talk about it." He quickly straighten up his complexion and sighed,"Nothing really, It's just that this the first time that anyone has accompanied me on any projects." I smiled,"Well don't worry Reiji-san! I'll be the best lab assistant that you've ever had!"

He just gave me a lab coat and guided me to the lab."Hey, Reiji-san?" He nodded,"Yes what is it?" I looked around all of the equipment and stared nervously at him,"Just a weird question....You don't happen to make illegal drugs in here?" He chuckled and smiled,"That's something that you don't need to know, Okay?" I was kind of scared now, what if Reiji is a secret drug dealer? "Um Reiji-san I'm actually kinda scared, you aren't a secret drug dealer or anything like that right?" He looked at me if I was serious but laughed,"Did you actually take that joke seriously?" I blushed,"Oh,um...Of course not! It's just that your jokes are...kinda-" Ayato walked pass us and interrupted me,"Lame!" I blushed,"No it's not like that, it's just that you seem more like a serious kind of guy." He smirked,"You don't think I can have fun?" I shook my head,"No of course not! Reiji-san is so smart and elegant! Of course you're fun! You just have to show it off a bit more, for others to understand you." He blushed as he began to make some weird potion. I joined in with bringing in some of the materials needed.

~Reiji's P.O.V~

I was very surprised to see this woman offer to help me in the lab. She seems very calm and acts very polite. While lost my thoughts, she quickly spoke out."I'm so excited to be here with Reiji-san! Hey Reiji-san you don't seem to have any other interests than just being the role model for your brothers right?" She looked kinda lost in her thoughts,"Why do want to know my interests? There not at all the slightest bit amusing to a girl like you." She smiled,"No! Please tell me! I'd love to get to know Reiji-san more! I'm sorry, that is if you'd like to speak of it." I was kinda surprised to see that this girl actually was interested on what I had to say."I collect tableware and teacups. I also enjoy eating Spaghetti Carbonara." I felt like an idiot telling all of this to her but she smiled and nodded,"That sounds so cool Reiji-san! I feel so awesome to have learn something from you!" I smiled like an idiot,"Would you like to play a game of chess, Alice?" She smiled brightly,"Sure I'd love to!" We quickly cleared up the lab and went to my room.

I asked her a question while setting up the chessboard,"Hey Alice, I believe that you haven't told me any of your interests." She looked at me surprised,"Oh, I'm sorry! It's just that I don't really have many interests." I looked at her strangely as we began to play chess,"Are you sure? Everyone at least has some interest in something." She blushed and looked down,"Well I guess that I have two, I play the piano and love to read! But I really want to learn is, how to play the violin!" I stared at her for a while and nodded,"I see. Alice may I suck your blood?" She looked at me scared but gave me her wrist."I don't mind, as long as you're gentle." She closed her eyes tightly as I bit into her wrist."Your blood *sucks* is amazing." As I was sucking her blood I couldn't help but wonder why she would give in so easily, rather than Yui throwing weird tantrums."Alice I find it strange that you don't struggle over this, why is that?" She smiled slightly with pain in her voice,"I just want to make you guys happy and for you guys to trust me, that's all!" I stopped and let go,"You don't mind hurting yourself self in the process?" She smiled,"No of course not! I really just want you guys to feel accepted by me, that's all!" She stood up and pecked my cheek,"Thanks for everything today, Reiji-san! You truly are an amazing guy! Well I gotta go, bye Reiji-san!" I blushed as I touch my cheek where she kissed me. She really is an interesting woman.

~Alice's P.O.V~

That was actually kind of fun! I also learned a lot about Reiji-san. He's actually quite nice once you get to know him. As I walked back to my room someone called out me,"Eve, awaken soon." Ugh! Not this crap again! I hate this voice! So I just ignored it like a boss. I walked inside my room to find Shuu sleeping on my bed."*Alice pokes Shuu* Um Shuu-san? Please wake up." Shuu just shrugged and I began shaking him."Oi! Shuu-san please get up!" He let out a sigh,"You did it again right?" I was kinda lost but quickly understood what he meant by that,"Oh this?*Alice lifts up her wrist* Yeah I got bitten again!" He looked me serious,"So you don't care that I like your blood?" I shook my head,"No I'm sorry! It's just that you've never told me! And besides you told me to stay away from you."

He smirked and walked up to me,"So you go off to find pleasure with other men?" I got angry but still smiled,"Well, I don't consider this pleasurable at all. In fact I find it quite painful." He got closer to me and I began to back up,"How would you feel if I told you that I sucked Yui's blood?" I was lost,"Um I guess that I would feel bad for Yui-san. It's quite a painful experience!" He then pinned me to the wall."*Shuu whispers in Alice's ear* You don't get it do you?" I shook my head,"I'm sorry Shuu-san! If this is about me waking you up-" He flicked my forehead,"No it's not! Why is it so hard for you to understand?" I pushed him off and ran. What's his deal? Is he okay or something? While running I stopped at a room with laughter coming from it. Wait a second is this Kanato's room? Oh well, I went inside to find Kanato talking to his Teddy like a sick mental child but I smiled. "Oh Alice-san? Would you like to join me and Teddy in our tea party?" I nodded,"Sure, I would love to!"

A/N-Yass! I did it! Anyways next chapter will be Alice at a tea party! Yay! So thanks for all of the support! I promise to do amazing! Alright love you guys!❤️Bye❤️~SailorCats 😺

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