Chapter 14

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Winner of the song contest: @stephxmoya

Go follow her and read her story! I've read it and its really good!

Also if you want a chance to win read the bottom to find out!!



"Hey! What do you think you are doing?" Kian immediately let go and backed away. I felt like I could finally breath. I ran over to hug Jc for saving me but he pushed me out if the way and stormed towards Kian.

I was so shocked at was was happening that I couldn't even move. I just stood there and watched as Jc pushed Kian to the ground and started beating him up.

I was so shocked at Jc's outburst. This is so unlike him. Usually he would be the one getting hurt and he wouldn't do anything about it he would just stand there and take it and now now he was the one that was hurting someone.

I was still standing there stunned as to what I was seeing when I noticed that Kian started hitting back. They were on the ground beating each other. My brain finally started to function right and I realized what was actually going on.

I ran up and pushed Kian away from Jc and put my hands in Jc's chest trying to calm him down with no luck.

I was trying to seperate them but I couldn't they just kept going at each other.

Suddenly Sam and Connor run in a pull Kian away while I push Jc back.

I'm looking at him with my hands on his chest trying to soothe him but he want even looking at me he was looking right at Kian and Kian was looking back at him like they wanted to murder each other.

After sending daggers for a few more minutes Kian finally shrugged his shoulders to get Connor and Sam to let go and walk outside.

I told Abby Jo that me and Jc were just going to head home and got in the car with Jc sitting in the passenger seat.

"Why did you do that Jc?!" I asked stunned. He just looked out the window acting like he didn't hear me.

"Jc! I wanna know why you did that!" I shouted even louder. Still no response. "Jc!...fine give me the silent treatment."

It was silent the whole car ride home well expect for me I was trying to get Jc to talk the whole time but he just kept staring out the window like he was in a movie.

When we pulled into the driveway of my house Jc jumped out and ran inside. I ran after him trying to get him to stop and talk.

"Jc!" I screamed after him.

He ran inside and sat on the couch looking at the tv with a blank face. I went and stood I front of the tv blocking his view.

"Jc we need to talk." I said sternly.

"Morgan move." He said pushing me out of the way.

"Jc what's gotten into you? Hurting people, pushing me! I want to know what happened to Jc!" I screamed on the edge of tears.

His face was still expressionless just staring at the tv.

"Jc! Please look at me! How are we supposed to fix this if you won't even talk?!" I know had tears coming faster than ever. He never even looked up.

"Jc..." I tried one more time but he didn't even budge. I was crying my eyes out. I finally gave up and stormed to my room.

I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out for atleast 30 minutes. After I had cried out all my tears I just sat with my knees up to my chest and my chin laid on top of my knees replaying everything that had happened that day.

A few minutes later I heard a knock at my door.

"Go away!" I screamed turning so my back was to the door. I heard the door open and I felt the bed move.

"Morgan?" Jc asked like a question. I didn't want to talk to him.

"Morgan please look at me." Jc said. After a few more mi ties of not looking I felt his fingers under my chin and I hit them away.

"Morgan please. I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just saw Kian all over you and when he tried to kiss you I just lost it." I still wasn't looking at him.

"Morgan?" He asked again.

"What?!" I said snapping my head at him. "You think that by coming in here and apologizing to me that it's going to make it all better? Jc I tried talking to you for almost an hour and you wouldn't even look at me! You pushed me out of your way." I said both of us crying.

"I am so sorry I never meant to push you away. I feel horrible. I hate seeing you like this. You are my everything. I am so sorry." He said looking me right in the eye.

I crawled over on the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. I loved being in his arms.

"I don't know why you got so jealous. You are a million times better than Kian ever could be." I said smiling at him. He smirked and leaned forward and kissed me.

"I love you Morgan" he said.

"I love you too Jc"


This isn't the end don't freak out on me!!

Omg I had a lot of people comment on the last chapter answering the song! (Winner of last week at the top of this chapter go follow her!)

Anyway I thought I would make this week a little bit more complicated...just a little:

"Girls,we do whatever it will take. Cause girls don't want we don't want our hearts to break in two."

That's the song^^^^

Comment below what you think it is!!

Thanks for so many reads I have been getting a lot lately so thank you!!! I love you alllllllllll!!!!

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